changes in world overtime

  • Period: 300 to Jan 1, 1076


    was very wealthy, but eventuallyfell because muslim invaders came over and captured it.
  • 324

    Byzantine foundation

    Byzantine foundation
    The emperor constantine led a procession marking the expanded limits of the city, he had selected his new capital city Byzantium.
  • Period: 324 to Jan 1, 1453

    Byzantine Empire

    Byzantine Empire held on their control over 11 hudred years but unfortunately after the fall of constantinople
  • 325

    Religious doctrines in byzantine

    Religious doctrines in byzantine
    constantine called 100 bishops to council in the city of nicaea to resolve disagreements over religious doctrines. The bishops rejected the views of a priest name arius, who said that jesus was less important than god the fater. His doctrine began getting popularity among germanic people.
  • 552

    Rise of Uighurs in Tang

    Rise of Uighurs in Tang
    Under the Uighurs, caraven cities displayed literate culture with strong ties to both Islam and China. Literacy made several innovation possible in Uighur government, such as chaging from a tax paid in to a money tav and than minting of coins.
  • Apr 15, 600

    Black plague in tang

    Black plague in tang
    black plague was brought to tang by trade routes such as the sea route linking the Red Sea and Persian Gulf with Canton. These disease followed trade and embassy routes to Korea, Japan, and tibet, where initial outbreaks followed the establishment of diplomatic ties in seventeen century
  • Jan 1, 622

    formation of umma caliphate

    formation of umma caliphate
    Muhammad and his followers fled to mecca. The mecca representatives agreed and accept to protect Muhammad because they saw him as an inspired leader. Together the meccan migrants and major migrants of median bound together to form the umma, kater the ummayad caliphate
  • Period: Jan 1, 622 to Dec 31, 750

    Ummayad Caliphate

    Ummayad caliphate wanted to protect muhammad when he and his followers fled to medina, because they knew he was a inspired leader.
  • Jan 1, 632

    Rise of the Caliphates

    Rise of the Caliphates
    The Islamic caliphate was established on the Arabs that carried out Muhammads death helped give birth to a dynamic amd religious society, a creative one. The rises of the different Caliphates, Umayyad and Abbasid, had different motives. One was actually following Muhammads belief and the other pesided over an ethnically defined Arab realm.
  • Jan 1, 634

    Islam in byzantine

    Islam in byzantine
    Between 634 and 650 arab armies defeated sasanid empire and captured byzantine empire. two-thrids of the christians in byzantine territories adopted the muslim faith
  • May 22, 634

    Tang gets Tibet

    Tang gets Tibet
    Tang prince kongo marries king of tibet and creates an alliance. Tibet sent their ambassadors, and students to Tang to study in their schools. Tang brought buddhism to Tibet.
  • Jul 16, 705

    Women titled "evil"

    Women titled "evil"
    Buddhism allowed womens to be in politics which gave confucians anoter reason to attack on buddhism. In court confucianist elites blamed ever possible reason of murdder, torture, on powerful women because confucianism didnt want women in politics. Emperor wu was one of the powerful women, so traditional chinese historians described unorthodox rulers and all powerful women as evil
  • Jan 1, 711

    Muslims Conquest

    Muslims Conquest
    In 711 the Muslims went ona conquest to Spain. Tariq b Ziyad and Musa b Naseer conquered Spainby sea & also coquered North Africa.
  • Jan 1, 750

    Formation of Abbasid Caliphate.

    Many shi'ites supported the rebellion. As it turned out, the family of abbas, muhammad's uncle, controlled the secret organization that coordinated the revolt. they established the Abbasid Caliphate
  • Period: Jan 1, 750 to Dec 31, 1258

    Abbasid Caliphate

    Abassid caliphate was formed when they destroyed the ummayad caliphate. They sent secret revolts.
  • Dec 31, 750

    Fall of Ummayad Caliphate

    in 750 one rebellion, in the region of Khurasan, turkmenistan, and afganistan, overthrew the last ummayad calip, though one espaced to spain and founded ummayyad principality there in 755.
  • Period: Jan 1, 755 to Jan 1, 763

    Lushan Revolution

  • Jun 15, 755

    Lushan Rebellion

    Lushan Rebellion
    Between 755-763 general led 200000 in a rebellion and forced emperor to flee and resulted in more power to military. This rebellion lasted 8 years.
  • Jan 1, 1028

    Increase of Women Power in Byzantine

    Increase of Women Power in Byzantine
    From 1028 to 1056 women ruled Byzantine Empire alongside their husbands. These social changes and the apparent increase in the isolation of women resemble simultaneous developments in the neigboring islamic countries.
  • Period: Jan 1, 1028 to Jan 1, 1056

    Women Power in Byzantine

    Women could be in poilitics, in fact they were ruling with their husband alongside
  • Jan 1, 1071

    Christianity threatened

    When Seljuk army defeated the Byzantine emperor at the Battle of Manzikert, Turkish nomads spreaded throught the region. The decline of Byzantine power threatened ancient centers of Christianity
  • Apr 15, 1076

    fall of ghana

    Muslim berbers invading out of the desert caused the collapse of ghana, the empire that preceded mali in the western sudan, but their conquest did very little to spread islam.
  • Apr 15, 1185

    Feudalism in Japan

    Feudalism in Japan
    The society was divided up into four classes two low classes and two high classes. Low classes consists of the peasants and the nobles, and the high class consists of: samurai, and shogun. This is a little similar to the european feudalism.
  • Jan 1, 1200

    foundation of mali

    Mali was founded by an indegnous african dynasty that had earlier adopted Islam through the peaceful influence of muslim merchants and scholars.
  • Period: Apr 1, 1200 to Jan 1, 1433


    Mali had lot of gold
  • Jan 1, 1206

    extensive water control system

    extensive water control system
    sultans built irrigation canals that made possible to grow crops throughout the year
  • Jan 1, 1206

    Muslim invades India

    Between 1206 and 1236, the muslim invaders extended their rule over hindu princes and cheifs in much of northern India
  • Period: Jan 1, 1206 to Dec 31, 1227

    Genghis Khan conquest

    Genghis destroyed some of the empires, but in some he just made those empire weaker and later his son and granson took over them.
  • Period: Jan 1, 1206 to Jan 1, 1236

    Muslim invades india

    Musim people invades in india pushing sultanates out and trading with gujurat
  • Period: Jan 1, 1210 to Jan 1, 1526

    Delhi Sultanate

    Delhi Sultanate held a strong grip over India until the mongols came and captured them.
  • Jun 1, 1215

    Magna Carta

    Magna Carta
    Magna Carta (Great Charter) was signed by King John of England. This document guaranteed barons' feudal rights. King John was also abusing his power as a King so this document also limited the King's power over all his subjects.
  • Dec 31, 1227

    Genghis Khan

    Genghis Khan
    between 1206-1227 genghis khan did many conquests, and in most of them, he was successful in. He forced Tanggut rulers of northeast China to submit, 1215 he captured Jin (beijing). By this time he had generals to lead his military in battles instead of him going into battles. He died in 1227 and his throne was passed on to his sons and grandsons
  • Jan 1, 1250

    Fall of irrigation complex

    Between 1250-1400 the irrigation complex in ceylon fell into ruins, when south indian invaders disrupted the sinhalese government
  • Period: Jan 1, 1250 to Jan 1, 1400

    Irrigation Complex

    Irrigation complex were designed to get water to farm more faster and easier.
  • Dec 31, 1250

    Womens roles in Islam

    Womens roles in Islam
    Women rarely traveled. Women that lived in rural parts worked on farms and took care of animals. Urban women DID NOT leave there homes without covering themselves up.
  • Jan 1, 1251

    Islam back on Track

    Islam back on Track
    Islam was based on the unityof the Umma they had no real hierarchy. To recenter it they had to get everybody back on the same page.
  • Dec 31, 1258

    Fall of the Caliphates

    The caliphates in Tunisia and Cordoba caused the problem of decentralization just as Abbasid temporal warned. They became to divided.
  • Dec 31, 1258

    Fall of the Abbasid Caliphate

    Some of the abbasid caliphs who ruled after 750 befriended ali's family. Abbasid Caliphate held on their caliphate until the 1258, when mongol invaders killed the last of them in baghdad.
  • Jan 1, 1271

    Founder of yuan empire

    After the death of ogodei, unity began to unravel. When khulbilai declared himself Great Khan, descendants of jagadai, and other branches of Mongol family refused to accept it. He than declared himself as founder of yuan empire
  • Period: Jan 1, 1271 to Jan 1, 1368

    Yuan Empire

    Yuan empire was destroyed by the chinese leader Zhu Yuanzhang
  • Feb 20, 1274

    Mongol invades Japan

    Mongol invaders lands at northern Kyushu at Hakata where they fought the japanese troops and they loose because they were no match against japan's technological innovations.
  • Oct 10, 1295

    Mongol Ruler Islamic

    some of Mongol family had advisors and trusted privelages to shite. Before Europe can form a formal aliince, new, II Khan ruler, Ghazan declared himself Muslim.
  • Apr 1, 1298

    Sultanate trade with gujarat

    Sultanate trade with gujarat
    When mongols threat from northeast arose, Ala-ud-din's forces extended the sultanates southern flank, seizing trading with Gujarat.
  • Period: Jan 1, 1340 to


    songhai was a wealthy state, and it was important to the trans-Saharan trade. After Morocco destroyed songhai trans-Saharan trade became weak
  • Jan 1, 1346

    Black Plague in Mongol

    Mongolls established garrison in yuan, whose military and supply traffic provided means for flea-infected rats to carry plague into central china. People of Mongol Empire got infected and their army became weak in their assault city of kaffa. They withdrew, but plague remained.
  • Jan 1, 1347

    Black Death

    Black Death
    The Black Death, or Bubonic Plague, was a huge epidemic. This horrible illness was spreaded all throughout Europe coming through the trade routes. Rats that would be on the ships would have fleas would spread the disease. The average human caught it within four days. Bad sanitation made it even worse.
  • Period: Jan 1, 1347 to Dec 31, 1351

    The Black Death

    The black shadow that haunted people lives everyday. It was caused by fleas on rats.
  • Dec 31, 1351

    End of The Black Death

    End of The Black Death
    Finally the end of the black death. Better technology, better medical help, and better knowledge on sanitation.
  • Jan 1, 1368

    Fall of yuan

    Chinese leader, Zhu Yuanzhang, mounted a campaign that destroyed Yuan Empire and brought china under control of his new empire, the Ming
  • Jan 1, 1433

    Fall of Mali

    Sundiata founded the empire, mali began to disintegrate. Rebellions broke out among diverse peoples who had been subjected to malinke rule. Other groups attacked mali as well for mali's wealth. By 1500 rulers of mali had domination over little more than the malinke heartland.
  • Jan 1, 1453

    Fall of Byzantine Empire

    The Fall of Constantinople brought over elven hundred years of Byzantine rule to an end.
  • Jan 3, 1453

    byzantine looses power

    By all the conversion of christianity to islam, it shooked the empire and reduced it powers. Though byzantine recovered and organized its military, it never regained its lost lands and eventually conceded to muslim conquest in 1453.
  • Apr 15, 1500

    Mongol increase in technology

    Mongol fought on horse backs with simple weapons. gunpowders and guns were created.
  • Jan 1, 1526

    Fall of Delhi Sultanate

    Fall of Delhi Sultanate
    When most of indian states became independent from Delhi Sultanate, and Sultanate became weak, Mongols idea of invading rose up again and in 1938 Mongol captured Delhi ending Delhi Sultanate
  • Fall of Songhai

    Songhai's rulers faced a challenge from the northwestern kingdom of Morocco. Songhai lost to Morocco in 1591 which weakend the trans-Saharan trade in the western Sudan.
  • Feudalism in Medieval Europe

    Feudalism in Medieval Europe
    This type of government began in 900 C.E.
    This was a legal system that vassales held land from lords in exchange for their military services.
  • Tang Dynassty Founded

    Tang Dynassty Founded
    The powerful Li family took advantage of Sui disorder to carve out an empire of similar cale and ambition. They adopted the dynastic name Tang
  • Buddhism in Tang

    Buddhism in Tang
    Mahayana promoted faith in enlightened beings, who postpone nirvana to help others acheive enlightenment. This permitted the absorption of local gods into mahayana sainthood which therefore made conversion more attractive to common people.
  • Elimination of monastries

    Elimination of monastries
    In 800's a new king in tibet decied to follow Tang lead and wipe out the political and social influence of monastries
  • End of Tang

    End of Tang
    After Rebellions and detructions of the monestries, the government never regained their power and the empire collapsed.
  • Huang chao rebellion

    between 879-881 huang choa led a rebellion against the government. He use ruthless violence and attacked hundreds of poor farmers and poor people.
  • Marking of Greek and Latin Christianity

    Marking of Greek and Latin Christianity
    in the ninth century brothers named cyril and methodius embarked on a highly successful mission to the lans of moravia.they prached in local language and their followers perfected a writing ystem called cyrillic; that cam to be used by slavic christians. Their careers marked the beginning of a competition between Greek and Latin forms of christianity for allegiance of the Slavs.
  • Period: to

    Tang Dynasty

    Tang dynasty was highly influenced by buddhism.
  • Period: to

    Huang Chao Rebellion