
Changes in Technology Timeline: Mobile Phones

  • First Mobile Phone Call

    First Mobile Phone Call
    On this day, Martin Cooper, a senior engineer at Motorola, called a rival telecommunications company to inform them that he was speaking using a mobile phone. This phone weighed about 1.1 kg.
  • Nokia 6110

    Nokia 6110
    This phone only weighed about 137 grams, and it included many new features including three games (Memory, Snake, and Logic), a calculator, clock, calender, and more.
  • BlackBerry 850

    BlackBerry 850
    This phone was the first under the BlackBerry brand. It was considered more as an email pager at the time.
  • Samsung SGH-T100

    Samsung SGH-T100
    This flip phone had many cool features at the time. Samsung was catapulted to third place with the development of their phone.
  • Motorola Razr V3

    Motorola Razr V3
    Motorola shifted over a 130 million of its ‘fashion’ phone between the years 2004 and 2006, making it the best-selling clamshell handset in history. It was also dubbed the 'world's slimmest' crown for many years.
  • Nokia N95

    Nokia N95
    This phone is still in use today, believe it or not. Nokia N95 is a highly capable mobile handset that offers the user high quality connectivity to compatible devices & fast speed data transfer rate thanks to EDGE technology, WLAN Wi-Fi, USB cable connection, infra red Pop Port connection & Bluetooth wireless technology.
  • Apple iPhone 3G

    Apple iPhone 3G
    This phone needs little introduction, as it made history when it was introduced. It changed the face of mobile phones forever. Apple’s iPhone popularised applications with millions of consumers, helped make touchscreen interfaces the norm, and broke new ground for overall design and finish.
  • LG Optimus G

     LG Optimus G
    In this phone LG was attempting to join the big companies like Samsung and Apple, but it was not able to due to major flaws such as a blocky, rectangular shape and poor 2D quality.
  • iPhone 6S

    iPhone 6S
    This was considered to be the best iPhone ever made. It had great new features like 3D Touch and Live Photos, as well as an updated camera. The iPhone still takes the cake with its incomparable image processing that turns photos into Instagram gold.
  • Samsung Galaxy S9/S9 Plus

    Samsung Galaxy S9/S9 Plus
    It's an evolution in the Galaxy S line, but one that leads as close to perfection as you can expect for a smartphone today. As of right now, there seems to be competition between Samsung and Apple as to who can come out with the best phone. This phone pushed Samsung in the lead with its Infinity Display that trumped that of the iPhone X.