Invention of the Printing Press
The Printing Press was invented by Johannes Gutenberg. He was born around 1395, in Mainz, Germany. The first book he ever printed in Europe is the “Forty-Two-Line” Bible. Gutenberg died in Mainz in 1468. Thanks to this invention many people got access to books and ideas spread faster than ever before. -
The Telescope
Galileo Galilei was the first person to use a telescope to observe the stars. He was born on February 15, 1564, in Pisa, Italy. Galileo Galilei was a scientist who studied physics, mathematics and astronomy. He made a lot of observations of the moon, the sun and planets, which changed what we knew about space and our place in it. -
The Steam Engine
The first steam engine was created by Thomas Newcomen in 1712 and was used in mines, but in 1782 James Watt improved this design and made it possible to use it for different types of machines, ships, trains. This started the Industrial Revolution, which drastically changed all aspects of people's lives. -
The Telephone
Graham Alexander Bell invented the first practical telephone, which now permitted people to communicate over long distances. He was born on March 3, 1847, in Edinburgh, Scotland. His spent most of his life studying and experimenting with sound, to gain a better understanding how it worked. -
The Lightbulb
Thomas Edison created the first lightbulb, it lasted for 1200 hours. He was born on February 11, 1847, in Milan, Ohio. He rose from humble beginnings to work as an inventor of major technology. Among his many inventions was the lightbulb He also created the first company to sell them in a massive scale. -
First computing device
The first person to create a computer was Charles Babbage. He was an English mathematician, philosopher and inventor born on December 26, 1791 in London. This first computer could only do mathematical operations. It was very different from today's computers, but it's existence paved the way for all the modern ones. -
The First Car
The first car powered by an engine was invented by Karl Benz. He was a mechanical engineer, born November 25, 1844 in Germany. His first model only had three wheels and was difficult to drive, but Benz kept working on it until it was ready to be sold to the public. It changed how people traveled, making it faster and easier. -
The First Airplane
Orville and Wilber Wright, two brothers, were the first to build and fly an airplane. They were born in Dayton, Ohio, in 1871. The first airplane model was made of wood, it was not very fast, and it's flight lasted a few seconds, but later models were a lot more efficient. Soon planes would change the way people traveled, traded and fought in wars. -
The Television
The first TV was invented by John Logie Baird. He was born in 1888 in Helensburgh, Scotland. He was responsible for the the first TV transmission, recognizable human faces, in 1925 and demonstrated the televising of moving objects in 1926 at the Royal Institution in London. Other people would later improve his design to create the modern televisions. -
The First Satellite in Orbit
The first artificial satellite, Sputnik 1, was launched by the Soviet Union. It was designed to transmit radio waves for a short period of time. Many other would satellites, from other countries in the world, would soon follow, making communication, navigation, weather prediction and space exploration a lot easier. -
The Invention of the Internet
Tim Berners-Lee was the man who invented the World Wide Web (or Internet). He was born 8 June 1955, and he is an English engineer and computer scientist. This invention allowed people with computers to share information and communicate with each other in a completely new way. -
The First iPhone.
Steve Jobs present the first iPhone. Steve Jobs was born in San Francisco, California, on February 24, 1955. He founded Apple Computer with Steve Wozniak in 1976 and created a lot of innovative products.. There had been other smartphones before but this one truly popularized the technology and dictated its developments.