Chandini's Family Timeline

  • Birth

    7lbs 6oz, 20 in. I was born 9 days early.
  • 0-1 Year old

    0-1 Year old
    I started walking at 11 months.
  • 1 Year Old

    1 Year Old
    I got my cat, Micah.
  • 2 Years Old

    2 Years Old
    This is when I started coloring on the walls of our house.
  • 3 Years Old

    3 Years Old
    I went to speech therapy for my lisp and this is also when I started writing.
  • 3 Years Old

    3 Years Old
    Heath Ledger dies.
  • 4 Years Old

    4 Years Old
    I went to India for the first and only time.
  • 4 Years Old

    4 Years Old
    Prince William marries Kate Middleton.
  • 5 Years Old

    5 Years Old
    First went to school. My mom got into a fender bender that morning.
  • 6 Years Old

    6 Years Old
    Moved to a new house in Byron Center.
  • 7 Years Old

    7 Years Old
    I visited the Sears tower for the first time.
  • 8 Years Old

    8 Years Old
    My parents got divorced. We lived with my grandparents for a little bit.
  • 9 Years Old

    9 Years Old
    I went on a cruise in Europe with my whole extended family for my Grandpa's 60th birthday.
  • 9 Years Old

    9 Years Old
    Ebola struck West Africa.
  • 10 Years Old

    10 Years Old
    I rode on a plane with just my brother to visit my aunt and uncle in California.
  • 11 Years Old

    11 Years Old
    My mom moved into a new house, back to Byron Center.
  • 12 Years Old

    12 Years Old
    I visited the Niagara falls.
  • 13 Years Old

    13 Years Old
    I got my dog, Bella.
  • 14 Years Old

    14 Years Old
    I started High School.
  • 15 Years Old

    15 Years Old
    I got my braces off.
  • 16 Years Old

    16 Years Old
    I got my driver's license.
  • 17 Years Old

    17 Years Old
    Went to the gym for the first time.