the Begginig
The union I & VI corps cross the Rappahannock river under Josheph Hooker, with an intend to attack lee's forces.
when Hooker meets up with Lee's forces he dint know that Lee had split up his army for a surprice attack that hoocker will get soon after. -
First day of Battle.
General Andreson get orders from Stonewall Jacksson to get his men ready and start moving them west to meet up with Generalhoocker Union army, at about 11:00am is when the shooting starts.
after 3 hours of intence fireing Confederates start pusing the union back. conferederates advance enough to put the union under preasure, both Union and confederate are underpreasure that both sides deside to retreart to the the Chancellorville intersection -
R.I.P Jackson
Jackson makes a surprice attack on union troops, but on this attack Jackson get shot and dies soon after. -
Blodiest day
May 3rd 1863 Jackson is outnumbered Confederates 57,352 and Union 97382. although is not fair for the Confederates they dont retreat they fight making iit one of the blodies days for the Union on this battle. -
Period: to
the withdraw
Unions withdraws from the battle, when Robert E Lee moves foward to where union was he saw that it was abondoned so this where the confederates call it a victory.