Challenge 1 Harper

  • 2 BCE

    Christ's Birth

  • Period: Nov 1, 1473 to

    Spanish Inquisition

  • Jan 1, 1492

    Columbus sailed the ocean blue

  • Jul 2, 1505

    Christopher Columbus- Apologia

  • The Globe theater burned

  • The Pilgrims arrive at America

  • The Mayflower Compact

  • The Scarlet Letter

  • Patrick Henry- Liberty or Death

  • Johnny Tremain

  • The Founding Fathers- The Declaration of Independence

  • The Articles of Confederation

  • The Treaty of Paris

  • The U.S. Constitution Radified

  • The Northwest Ordinance

  • Alexander Hamilton- The Federalist: Number 30

  • James Madison- The Federalist: Number 47

  • James Madison- In Favor of the Federal Constitution

  • George Washington- First Inaugural Address

  • Amendments to the Constitution 1-10 (The Bill of Rights)

  • Period: to

    Constitution Ammendments 11-27

  • George Washington- Farewell Address

  • Billy Budd

  • Francis Scott Key- Defence of Fort McHenry (The Star Spangled Banner)

  • Henry Clay- The Missouri Compromise

  • The Sign of the Beaver

  • James Monroe- The Monroe Doctrine

  • William L. Garrison- Liberty for All

  • Tom Sawyer

  • The Texas Annexation

  • The Oregon Territory bought

  • The Mexican Annexation

  • Elizabeth Cady Staton- Seneca Falls Declaration of Sentiments

  • John C. Calhoun- On the Slavery Question

  • Francis M. Finch- Nathan Hale

  • William M. Thackeray- Pocahontas

  • Roger B. Taney- Dredd Scott v. Sandford

  • The Dredd Scott Decision

  • Abraham Lincoln- A House Divided

  • Jefferson Davis- Inaugural Address

  • The Emancipation Procliamation

  • Thomas B. Read

  • Abraham Lincoln- The Emancipation Proclamation

  • Abraham Lincoln- Gettysburg Address

  • Emma Lazarus- The New Colossus

  • Francis Bellamy- The Pledge of Allegiance

  • Hezekiah Butterworth- Five Kernels of Corn

  • Booker T. Washington- Atlanta Exposition Address

  • Joaquin Miller- Defense of the Alamo

  • Clinton Scotland- The Men of Maine

  • James J. Roche- Panama

  • Theodore Roosevelt- The Man with the Muck Rake

  • Woodrow Wilson- War Message

  • H. L. Mencken- The American Language

  • Henry Cabot Lodge- League of Nations Speech

  • Period: to

    Roaring twenties

  • Period: to

    The Great Depression

  • Period: to

    The Dust Bowl

  • Franklin D. Roosevelt- Pearl Harbor Address

  • George C. Marshall- The Marshall Plan

  • Earl Warren- Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka

  • John F. Kennedy- Inaugural Address

  • Ronald Regan- First Inaugrual Address

  • Roger B. Taney- Dredd Scott v. Sanford