Red health apple

Challanges In Health

By Ali3
  • Physical and Emotional Health

    Physical and Emotional Health
    Angela has a hard time with physical activity. She doesn't like to do it because it hurts her physically because of her back problems.
  • Improvements

    Angie decides to make a goal to excercise 30 minutes after work by jogging on the treadmill. She will acheive this goal by setting remionders on her phone of when to go to the gym. She will also be using the excercise room kin her apart ment building.
  • Stressful Event

    Stressful Event
    Angies mom dies and she decides to take a break from work. Along with her work being at a break she stopped excercising and has been sleeping alot. She feels theres nothing else to do. She tried to think of the happy moments and went to her counselor to see if it worked.
  • Best friend Starts Drinking

    Best friend Starts Drinking
    Angies best friend starts drinkig. She trys to advise a group to her that will help her with her addiction. She's concerned about her health, sexual activity, drug use, and grades in school.
  • A significant Loss

    A significant Loss
    Angie's grandma dies. She feels sad and depressed. She feels like there is no way to deal with it but sleep and eat.
  • Learns about family Health

    Learns about family Health
    She has been eating tons of fried food. Angie is trying to improve her diet so she doesnt end up having heart disease or clogged arteries which runs in her family.
  • Relative starts Smoking

    Relative starts Smoking
    Angies Mom starts smoking. She just stopped smoking but because of stress and people smoking aroound her she started smoking again. Shes worried that her mom wil get addicted, have broncitis, and lung cancer.
  • Taking Away

    Taking Away
    Angie decides to takre the keys away from her best friend before she drives off drunk. She tells her that she could kill herself or somrone by getting into a car accident. She also could get a ticket and or arrested for DUI.
  • Homesick

    Angie catches a cold and it turns out to be the flu. She can sleep, eat soup and take medicine to cure her sickness. She saw an ad on tv for walgreens ands decided that next year she was going to get the flu shot, disinfect her house (clean with lysol), to prevent herself from getting the flu.
  • Puberty

    Angie starts to get cramps in her ovarie area. Her breasts are sore and she starts to gain weight in her thighs, hip, and butt. She begins to look at the positive outlook anthingd and isn't as sensitive as she used to be.
  • Makes A Pact

    Makes A Pact
    Angie decides that no matter what she wants to stay pure. So she makes a pledge to stay abstinent. Her parents say not to engage in drug use, dont do things if your friends tell you to just to make you look 'cool', and dont have sex.