Boston Tea Party
Americans dressed up as Indians and snuck onto a British boat that had gallons and gallons of tea. They dumped it over the side of the boat into the harbor. #OhheyIndians #Waitwhat #Mytea!!!!!! #Americansdressedasindians #dumpedourtea #imsodone -
Revolutionary War Begins
The Revolutionary war begins as conflict begins between Great Britain and the thirteen colonies. People were rebelling against the King and wanted their colonies to be independent. #Thisiswar #Britainisfedup #Theyallwantdifferentthings #Wewantindependence #Thesepeepsdon'tknowwhatsup -
Olive Branch Petition
The Olive Branch Petition was the last try to not have to start a war between the colonies and it's mother country. The King didn't even read it though and Britain denied it. #WhattheheckKingrudemuch? #Wejustwantedtokeepthepeace #Nowwegonnahavewar -
Beginning of Chains
Isabel and Ruth's owner dies and they are given over to Mr. Robert who sells them at a tavern to the Locktons #Isabel'sownerdies #Visitshermom #NewownersellsthemtoLocktonsintavern #whattheheck -
Ruth is Sold
Madam Lock-ton (The jerk) sold Ruth. The night before, Isabel was given milk that knocked her out and then Ruth was sold away to a physician's family. #RuthneedsIsabel #MadamLocktonsgonnagetit #Isabelisdevasted -
Isabel gets branded
Isabel got locked into a board with and was branded with the letter I on her cheek. The commotion of everything and the pain caused Isabel to pass out and come in and out of sleep for six days. #WhytheI #IstandsforIsabel #StupidLocktons -
Declaration Of Independence
The Declaration of Independence is a very famous document that declared the independence of America. It was written by Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, and a few others. It was signed by George Washington, John Adams, John Hancock, Samuel Adams, and many many others. #Freedom #JohnHancock,makeitsmaller #Yes,finally!!!! -
Battle of Long Island
The Battle of Long Island was the biggest battle of the war. It took place in Long Island, New York. The British first attacked early in the morning and after lots of fighting, Washington retreated to Brooklyn. Two days later, at night, Washington and his army sneaked away to Manhattan in the foggy weather. #WheredidWashingtongo #Bigbattle #BritishgainedcontrolofNewYork #Welpthatfailed -
The Great Fire of New York
A devastating fire that burned in the night of Semptember 20, and into the morning of the 21rst, destroying a third of the city. Many of the people believed that an american rebel started the fire to prevent the British from having somewhere to stay. #Whattheck #Afire?now? #Firefighterssuckedbackthen -
Isabel visits the prison
Isabel goes up to the prison and claims that she is bringing food and visiting her brother. She visits Curzon and makes sure he's okay. She meets the men who fought together who she will later pass messages for. -
Battle of Trenton
Washington and his men crossed the Delaware river in boats on the night of December 24th. After crossing, they spread out and Washington lead a surprise attack on the Hessian's. This hour long battle gave the rebels tons of German prisoners and supplies. It was a small but worthwhile victory. -
Isabel and Curzon escape
Isabel sneaks Curzon out of prison, and they walk together to the docks through the city. Isabel rows her and Curzon up the river, far away from New York. The next day, they found themselves in Jersey and they were both free. #Isabel'sbraveryanddeterminationfreedthem #Curzonwaslazy #FinallyFreedom -
The surrender of 5,700 troops at Saratoga
When they were low on supplies, 5,700 German and British troops surrendered to General Horatio Gates at the battle of Saratoga. #NoIlostmymen #WhyHoratiowhy #Ijustneededsupplies #whiteflag #Isurrender -
Treaty of Paris
Ended the revolutionary war and recognized that America was independent. The French had already accepted and respected that America was independent so what was left was for the British to. #Weareourown #SorryKingbutwehaveourowncrown -
Constitutional Convention
This Convention helped to create a new government instead of trying to fix the current one. The output of it was the creation of the United States Constitution. #Ourowngovernment #Gottagetalltheseimportantdudestosignthepaper #Wemaketherules!