Miss Mary Finch Dies
Miss Mary Finch dies, and Isabel is trying to convince her nephew that a lawyer said in her will that Isabel and Ruth can be set free. Her nephew didn't listen and he sold them to the Lockton family. -
Meeting Curzon
Isabel meets Curzon when she first gets off the ship, but doesn't really talk to him until their walk to the Tea Water Pump -
New Home
Isabel is led by Curzon away from the Tea Water Pump and to the Lockton household. -
Madam Lockton's New Personal Pet
Madam Lockton has taken quite a liking to Ruth...Ruth stays in Madam's bedchamber all day and only is allowed to eat and sleep with Isabel. -
Isabel Finch is renamed Sal Lockton by Madam Lockton. -
Ruth Seizure
Ruth has a seizure while getting peas. Madam Lockton threatens to sell Ruth. -
The Hanging of Hickey
Thomas Hickey gets hung on this day. Isabel and Ruth watch the event take place. Hickey was a traitor. -
Madam Lockton gives Isabel some sweet milk with a sleep medication, and while Isabel is asleep Madam gets Ruth sent down to the Charlston plantation that belongs to the family. -
Isabel is branded with the letter I for insolance after she attempts at running away after 'hurting' Madam Lockton phyiscally. -
Isabel wakes up in Lady Seymour's house nearly a week after the letter I was branded onto her cheek. She says that she had gotten a raging fever after her branding and that she was ordered by Lady Seymour to stay here, per Curzon's request. -
Period: to
Not Being Spoken to
Madam Lockton doesn't look or speak to Isabel, she always asks Becky to tell Isabel to do anything. 'Bees' are taking over Isabel's mind, her sadness getting the best of her. -
Grandfather Speaks
Grandfather mentions to Isabel that everyone is going to find their own River Jordan... -
Lady Seymour Fire
Lady Seymour's house catches fire while Isabel is staying with her, and she is required to help Lady Seymour out of the house. She drops Ruth's cornhusk doll as they left. -
Curzon in Jail
Isabel sees Curzon and several other Rebel soldiers being taken into jail. -
Christmas Day
On Christmas Day, Isabel is pulled aside by Madam Lockton, who lets her know that she does know that Lady Seymour is sending her to take food to the men in prison, and that she forbids her to go back to the prison to do more visiting. Isabel also gets new black leather shoes that do not pinch her feet when she walks. -
Lady Seymour admits, on her deathbed, that she wanted to buy Isabel from Madam Lockton. -
Madam Lockton admits that she was not able to sell Ruth, but she sent her down to South Carolina into Charleston. -
Queen's Birthday Ball
Madam Lockton, the soldierwives, and several others leave to go to the Queen's Birthday Ball, while Isabel is locked in a potato bin. -
Isabel is about to escape...then remembers that Curzon is in jail. She frees his near-dead body and starts to escape. -
The River Jordan
Isabel and Curzon get into a small rowboat, and Isabel slowly rows them to Jersey, getting several blisters on the way.