Isabel goes to the graveyard where her mother is burried and she trys to see and talk to her ghoast but she never gets the chance too. -
The Will
Isabel thought that when her mother died, she had put in a Will. This Will stated that Isabel and Ruth were to be freed, but her Master claimed that Isabel's mother had never made or left one before she passed away. -
Isabel and Ruth were taken to Newport, so they coud be sold. -
Meeting the Lockton's
Mr. Robert took Isabel and Ruth to Newport, Sullivan's Tavern, and met the Lockto's to discuss selling the two of them from Miss Mary, who had just passed away. -
On the Boat
In two nights and two days, Isabel and Ruth both made their ways from Newport, Rhode Island, to New York by boat. -
Meeting Curzon
When Isabel and Ruth got off the boat, Isabel soon meet Curzon, he helped her with her first command as a slave to the Lockton's. (Going to get water from the Tea Water Pump) -
Becky Berry
Isabel and Ruth meet Becky Berry, the cook for the Lotckon's. -
Curson suggests that since Isabel is new in New York that she should become a spy for the Patriots, and warns Isabel that Master Lockton is a dirty Loyalist. Isabel does not say if she is going to do what Curzon asks, but is told that all she has to do is listen for talk about the King's troops. -
Isabel finds out Master Lockton was hiding money in the chest when he told the other Loyalists about it, and she went and told Curzon. -
Lockton Gets Arrested
After Isabel delovers the news that Master Lockton wanted to kill Washington to Curzon, he got arrested. -
Lockton Returns
Master Lockton returns from being arrested. (Put in the dungeon under City Hall) -
Lockton's Meeting with the Loyaltists
Master Lockton had a meeting with the other men and he had told them that they needed to kill George Washington. Then they all signed a paper so that none of them would be able to tell or they would all get killed. -
Ruth's Spell
Ruth was having a spell in the kitchen and Madam Lockton thought it was the devil inside of her. Madam started hitting Ruth because she got scaed and worried that it would leave Ruth and become part of the house. -
Isabel Delivers a Message
Isabel went out at midnight when everyone had fallen asleep, after she stole the paper that all the loyalists had signed, and went to show it to Colonel Regan. -
Plot Uncovered
Master Lockton's plan to kill Washington was finally uncovered. When he found out it was uncovered, he shipped himself away in a box. -
Thomas Hickey
Thomas Hickey was on the Loyalists side, but was pretending to serve George Washington. Hickey was going to be hung because he almost assasinated Washington, but failed. Everyone gathered around to see it. -
Independence was Declared
New York was declared independent and everybody cheered and celebrated. -
Ruth Went Missing
When Isabel awoke the next morning, after Madam had given her and Ruth sleeping drugs in their drinks, Madam had sent Ruth to another planatation to work. Madam still owned Ruth, but Becky and Isabel did not know that at the time. -
Isabel's Punishment
Isabel gets punished by getting an "I" branded into her face. It stood for 'insolence". -
After the branding, they took Isabel to the dengueon under City Hall, while putting her in a cell with a madwoman to await her trial.