Ch 7

  • The First Continental Congress

    The First Continental Congress
    The First Continental Congress met in Philadelphia to resolve the conflict with the English
  • Loyalist Vs. Patriots

    Loyalist Vs. Patriots
    The colonist were left to chose a side.The Patriots fought for freedom of the colonies.The Loyalist fought for Great Britian and the Crown.
  • British general planned to disarm the minute men

    A British general decided to disarm the boston militia known as the minute men.
  • The second Continental Congress

    The second Continental Congress
    Representatives from 12 of the colonies me again in Piladelphia for the second Continental Congress
  • The fall of Fort Ticonderoga

    The fall of Fort Ticonderoga
    Colonel Benedict Arnold and Ethan Allen took over the British Fort Ticonderoga in New York
  • Lord Dunmore's Proclamation

    Lord Dunmore's Proclamation
    The British allowed freedom to slaves if they fought for Great Britian when the Colonies only allowed free slaves a position in the army
  • Patriots defeated

    Patriots defeated
    When the Patriots atempted there attack Britian was ready and fought back the Patriot Colonist.
  • Thomas Pine wrote Comon Sense

    Thomas Pine wrote Comon Sense
    Thomas Pine wrote a pamphlet called Common Sense that argued for brreaking away fron Great Britian.
  • The creation of The Declaration of Independence

    The creation of The Declaration of Independence
    Thomas Jefferson,with the help of John Adams,Benjamin Franklin,Robert R. Livingston,and Roger Sherman, drafted the The Declaration of Independence.
  • Continental army defeated

    Continental army defeated
    The British drove the Continental army out of New York.
  • The Declaration of Independence was approved

    The Declaration of Independence was approved
    The Continental Congress approved the Declaration of Independence.
  • Crossing the Delaware

    Crossing the Delaware
    Washington and 2,400 solders crossed the Delaware River.
  • Battle of Saratoga

    Battle of Saratoga
    British were defeated by the unorganized Patriot army.
  • Period: to

    Winter at Pennsylvania

    The harsh winter at Valley Forge, Pennsylvania, killed more than a fifth of Washingtons army.
  • Battle of Vincennes

    Battle of Vincennes
    George Rogers Clark captured British settlements and convinced the American Indians to stay out of the war.
  • Bonhomme Richard defeats Serapis

    Bonhomme Richard defeats Serapis
    The Patriots decided to attack individual navy ships instead of all at once. They sank over 200 ships
  • Patriots keep fighting

    Even after the southern army was defeated, Patriots continued fighting using guerrilla warfare.
  • Period: to

    Peace negotiations begin

  • Battle of Yorktown

    Washington planned a combined American and French attack on Yorktown. After a weeks-long siege, the British were defeated.
  • Treaty of Paris

    Treaty of Paris
    The Treaty of Paris officially ended the war. It set new boundaries and forced the British to recognize the United States of America.