James Murray founded Universalists
-Main ideas of universalism: Jesus is son of God, salvation available to all -
Noah Webster's "American Spelling Book"
-example of nationalism in textbooks
-other famous cultural icons of this time period included Washington Irving, Mary Otis Warren, and Mason Weems ("cherry tree" Washington story) -
Ordinance of 1784
-Congress divides W territory into 10 self-governing areas that can apply for statehood once pop. reaches a certain size
-Ordinance of 1785: system for selling land W of Ohio River; each of 10 areas divided into 36 townships- 4 go to gov't & rest sold for school funds ("grid" system)
-Northwest Ordinance of 1787: all 10 areas are now 1; more favorable to middle-class citizens -
Judith Sargent Murray publishes essay "Female Bosoms"
-early feminist
-argued for education of women
-1770s, 50% women illiterate, although new push to educate women so they can teach their children
-1/1,000 white dudes go to college -
Methodism goes to US
-Founded by John Wesley in England
-Exploded in US under Francis Asbury
-very authoritarian -
Constitutional Convention
-Held by Madison and Hamilton
-Support by Washington, who presided
-Wanted stronger national government than what Articles of Confederation created
-55 Delegates
-VA Plan: three branches; legislature based on populations, elected by lower house
-NJ Plan: 2 delegates from each state
-3/5 Compromise
-"Great Compromise: pop. representation in House, delegates in Senate -
Constitution of 1787
-James Madison solves issue of state vs. fed power by deciding all power is derived from citizens
-separation of powers/checks & balances (Hume/Montesquieu)
-legislature can't tax exports, no duty of >$10 per slave, can't stop slavery for 20 years -
1st Election of 1789
-Pres = Washington, Vice-pres = Adams
-Settle Antifederalist fears through Bill of Rights (5 freedoms, no arbit. arrest, trial by jury)
-Judiciary Act (1789)- created Supreme Court, district courts, 3 circuit courts of appeal
-Wash's cabinet= Sec. of treasure (Hamilton), sec. of war (Knox), attorney gen. (Randolph), sec. of state (Jefferson) -
Samuel Slater's Spinning Mill
-first modern factory in US -
Washington D.C. built
-designed by Pierre l'Enfant
-small pop...practically a provincial village
-not popular place to live -
Period: to
Second Great Awakening
-Conservative church people fight spread of religious rationalism from Enlightenment
-denounced "new light" dissenters from First Great Awakening
-Effects: sped up growth of sects/denominations, created social order, popularized idea that multiple sects are all part of Christianity, women had new emphasized role in church, stirred racial unrest (Prosser's foiled slave rebellion) -
Jefferson's Economic Reform
-1791, taxes on whiskey and imports
-old bonds issued as new ones paid off
-concluded that bondholders would be only ones paid, not original holders
-1791 National Bank established to stabilize economy, regulate loans, gov't collect taxes & deposit funds, restore public credit -
Turnpike Era
-road from Lancaster, PA to Philly
-smoother road surfaces
-cost money to travel along -
Eli Whitney's cotton gin
-separates seeds from cotton
-expanded slavery in S
-supported industrialization in N
-also invented system in which gun parts are made separately and then put together quickly -
Whiskey Rebellion
-6000 people camp outside Philly in frustrated reaction to Hamilton's liquor tax
-Washington rides in with militia and arrests people
-"a lesson to every aprt of the Union against disobediance to the laws" -Madison -
Jay's Treaty
-1794, Royal Navy seizes American ships in W Indies
-In response, Jay goes to Britain to collect payment
-Establishes American sovereignty over Northwest, good trading relations with Brits, and stopped potential war
-Did not receive payment for ships----> unpopular in US -
Pinckney's Treaty
-Spanish-American conflict over Florida border
-Pinckney goes to Spain
-Spain lets Americans use Mississippi River, deposit goods at New Orleans, Spanish stop Native raids across border -
Election of 1796
-Washington's farewell address throws shade at Republican attempts w/French to frustrate Fed diplomat program
-Adams = president
-Jeffereson = vice-president
-Feds were divided by electing Pinckney vs. Adams as president -
XYZ Affair
-French were capturing US sailors
-Adams sends three dudes to France to negotiate payment
-Foreign Minister of France Talleyrand demands bribe from US diplomats
-"No, no, not a sixpence!" -Charles Pinckney (bro of treaty dude)
-Adams saw report & wanted war
-three US diplomats called X, Y, Z in sensational newspaper article -
Alien Act and Sedition Acts
-Alien Act: Congress can deport any immigrants
-Sedition Act: prosecution of "treasonous" people; editors of anti-Federalist newspapers arrested -
VA and KY Resolutions
-Inspired by Locke
-Madison & Jefferson drafted them
-in response to Alien & Sedition Acts
-gov't formed by "compact" among states w/ only certain delegated powers
-did not nullify A & S Acts, only spread political divide between Feds & Anti-Feds -
Period: to
Quasi-War with France
-Cuts off trade
-newly-formed Department of Navy (1798) builds warships and captures 85 French ships
-US allies with Brits for first time -
Election of 1800
-lots of political conflict between Jefferson & Adams
-deadlock between Burr & Jefferson, latter chosen
-Judiciary Act of 1801: repeals earlier Judiciary Act; 1 less supreme court judge, but more fed judges -
1st "Camp Meeting" at Cane Ridge, KY
-large evangelical meeting (25,000)
-message: people need to be more pious & reject skepticism from enlightenment -
Period: to
Jefferson's first presidential term
-"people's president"
-1802, Jeff made Congress abolish all internal taxes; customs duties and selling of land is only funding for government now
-scaled down army, but founded West Point Military Academy (1802)