
Ch. 29

  • Oil Shortage

    OPEC launched an oil embargo on Israel's supporters, which caused a worldwide oil shortage, sluggish, US economy, a passed spead limit to save gas, and pipeline in Alaska to tap into US oil reserves.
  • My Lai Massacre

    The public was shocked to learn of the slaughter of women and children in a South Vietnamese Village.
    Published by the Pentagon Papers
  • President Nixon's Inaugrural Address

    Promised to bring Americans together.
    Introduction of Vietnamization.
  • Period: to

    Burger Court

    -Roe v. Wade, 1973: Pro-abortion
    -US v. Nixon, 1974: denied claims of executive priviege, ordered Nixon to turn over the Watergate tapes
  • Response to Stagflation

    -Cut federal Spending
    -Keynesian Response
    -90 day wage & price freeze
    -10% tax on all imports
  • 3rd Wave of Immigration

    Mostly Latinos and Southeast Asians
    Began after the Immigration Act of 1965
  • Cambodian Invasion

    Was made to destroy Vietnamese Communist Naval bases but caused many protests such as:
    -Kent State: 4 students killed by the National Gaurd
    -Jackson State: 2 African American Students were killed
  • Meetings with China

    Nixon had secret talks with Mao Zedong and met him in Beijing.
  • End of Recession

    Provided an anual cost of living
    Increase for SS benefits
  • Watergate

    -CREEP: men hired by Nixon to break into the Democratic Nationsl Headquarters in Washington, DC
    -Plumbers: wiretapped government employees to stop news leaks.
    -Enemies list: a list of people who opposed Nixon and the Vietnam War and investigated them
  • Election of 1972

    Nixon won 60.8% of thhe vote.
    Republican majority
  • Oval Office Tapes discovered

    Nixon claimed "excutive privelege".
  • October War

    On Yom Kippur, Egypt and Syrians attacked Israel to recover lost land.
    Nixon supported Israrl with $2 Billion in arms.
  • Pardoned Nixon

    1st month in the White House.
    Ended the national nightmare
  • CIA Investigation

    George H Bush was appointed to reform the agency.
  • Nixon Resigned

    General Ford became president.
  • Cambodian Genocide

    US Supported government fell to the Khmer Rouge that led to the genocide of one million Cambodians.
  • Illegal Immigration

    Over 12 million undocumented
  • Panama Canal Treaty

    By 2000, control of the canal would be transferred to Panama
  • US recognized the People's Republic of China

    Actually recognized the communist government
  • Carter Recogonize the People's Republic of China

    SALT II treaty
    US feared that China wanted control of he Panama Gulf.
    Carter's Response:
    -US boycott of the 1980 Olymics
    -Embargo on grain and technology to the Soviet Union
  • Failed US Rescue Mission