Ch 25-26 Timeline

By Kangaa
  • Dien Bien Phu

    Dien Bien Phu
    The defeat of French troops which led to the withdraw of France from Vietnam.
  • Brown vs. Board of Education of Topeka, Kansas

    Brown vs. Board of Education of Topeka, Kansas
    On this day the Supreme Court ruled it unconstitutional to segregate public school.s
  • Rosa Parks

    Rosa Parks
    While on her way out from her job she caught a bus home. Rosa was told to move so a white man could sit down, but she would not get up.
  • Pastor King

    Pastor King
    Dr. King gives a powerful speech in a meeting held between him and Dexter Avenue Baptist Church.
  • Meredith Accepted

    Meredith Accepted
    James Meredith was an air force veteran, he wanted to apply to the University of Mississippe but was denied because of his race. Finally on October first he was accepted.
  • Wallace's Segregation Line

    Wallace's Segregation Line
    While at the University of Alabama he blocked two african americans from enrolling at the school until officials took him away.
  • "I have a dream"

    "I have a dream"
    On this day Martin Luther King gave his famous "I have a dream" speech at the Lincoln Memorial.
  • Diem Executed

    Diem Executed
    He was executed through military operations after the American ambassador sided with the Vietnamese.
  • Kennedy Dead

    Kennedy Dead
    President John F. Kennedy is assasinated in Dallas, Texas.
  • Civil Rights Act

    Civil Rights Act
    This bill was passed easily with the help of President Johnson's office. This bill gave the government a lot of authority to end racism.
  • Gulf of Tonkin Resolution PASSED

    Gulf of Tonkin Resolution PASSED
    Allowed the president to defend the United States from enemies and prevent further war.
  • Voting Acts

    Voting Acts
    The Voting Rights Act of 1965 is passed by both the senate and House of Representatives making segregation to not allow blacks to vote illegal.
  • Vietnamese New Year

    Vietnamese New Year
    The Vietcong and North Vietnamese launched the Tet Offensive attacking American bases in South Vietnam.
  • Johnson Adresses the Public

    Johnson Adresses the Public
    While the country is divided politically the president announces he will not accept a second term nomination.
  • Dr. King Killed

    Dr. King Killed
    On this day as Martin Luther King was in a hotel in Memphis he was shot by a sniper and killed shocking the nation.
  • Robert Kennedy Assasinated

    Robert Kennedy Assasinated
    The front runner for the democratic nomination, he was shot by Sirhan Sirhan, who was an Arab nationalist.
  • Vietnamization

    Nixon tells the public that 25,000 soldiers will be withdrawn form Vietnam, but increased air strikes.
  • Kent State University Demonstration

    Kent State University Demonstration
    After President Nixon had just announced the invasion of American troops into Cambodia, citizens saw this as a spread of the war. At Kent State demonstrators were subdued by Ohio National Guard with tear gas and rifles without orders to do so.
  • "Peace in Vietnam"

    "Peace in Vietnam"
    South Vietnam President Nguyen Van Thieu gives into the Americans and signs a peace agreement with North Vietnam allowing them to keep troops stationed in South Vietnam.
  • Peace Agreement Falls Along With Saigon

    Peace Agreement Falls Along With Saigon
    After the American troops were pulled out of Vietnam the peace agreement collapsed in two years. North Vietnam invaded and captured the southern Vietnam capital of Saigon.