Ch.17 The War in Vietnam

  • massacre of the unarmed South Vietnamese civilians

    Happened in the spring. Majority of the victims were old men, women, and children. Platoon under the command of Lieutenant William Calley was the one who massacred
  • Nixon reduced soilders

    Nixon reduced soilders
    25,000 Soldiers were withdrew by Nixon
  • Invasion in Cambodia

    Invasion in Cambodia
    American troops wants to destroy Vietcong bases so they invaded cambodia
  • Kent State University

    Kent State University
    four students at Kent State University were killed by rifles and tear gases by nation guards
  • Gulf of Tonkin Resolution

    This gave the president almost complete power in directing war conflicts and congress didn't want the presidents to control the war
  • Air Raids

    This was to force North Vietnam to resume negotiations
  • War Power Act

    War Power Act
    This was a way to limited some executive powers
  • President Ford

    Vietnam had profound effect on America so he declared “The lessons of the past in Vietnam,”
  • Domino Theory Effects

    Khmer Rouge was a group that ran communism and cambodia fell under it
  • Vietnam memorial

    This represented the veterans that were killed in the war