Civil war!!!

Ch 17 Civil War Timeline

  • Confederate Soldiers reach a max number of 900,000 while the Union over throws them with 2.1 million Soldiers.

    Confederate Soldiers reach a max number of 900,000 while the Union over throws them with 2.1 million Soldiers.
    Confederates and Union/War
  • 1st Major Battle takes place during the civil war.(Bull Run)

    1st Major Battle takes place during the civil war.(Bull Run)
    Confederates and Union/War
  • The Election of Abraham Lincoln.

    The Election of Abraham Lincoln.
  • Union Forces capture Fort Henry on the Tennessee River

    Union Forces capture Fort Henry on the Tennessee River
  • Union Naval Forces under David Farragut captured New Orleans,Louisiana

    Union Naval Forces under David Farragut captured New  Orleans,Louisiana
  • Lincoln announced that he would issue the Emancipation Proclamation

    Lincoln announced that he would issue the Emancipation Proclamation
  • In Southern Pennsylvania a small town becomes one of the most decisive battles in the Civil War.

    In Southern Pennsylvania a small town becomes one of the most  decisive battles in the Civil War.
    Army,Southern Pennsylvania
  • Sherman´s march to the sea begins.

    Sherman´s march to the sea begins.
    Sherman/The Ocean
  • Union Ships block the Confederate Coast, reducing the trade goods out and in

    Union Ships block the Confederate Coast, reducing the trade  goods out and in
    Union/The Ocean
  • The Civil War ends, bringing some peace.

    The Civil War ends, bringing some peace.
    Armies/The world
  • Andrew Johnson is elected for President.

    Andrew Johnson is elected for President.
  • Congress passed the thirteenth Amendment, which banned slavery in the U.S.

    Congress passed the thirteenth Amendment, which banned  slavery in the U.S.