ch 15 timline

  • speach

    Roosevelt declares, “I hate war”, in speech delivered at Chautauqua, New York.
  • president

    FDR beat Alfred Landon in the re-election by a long shot with Alfred only having 8 electorial votes
  • second times a charm

    Roosevelt is inaugurated for second term as President and discusses the needs of the nation’s one-third who are “ill-housed, ill-clad, and ill-nourished"
  • packages

    Roosevelt proposes a so-called “Court Packing Plan” as a reaction to the Supreme Court's repeated invalidation of New Deal legislation.
  • new assotiations

    Roosevelt creates the Farm Security Administration and the U.S. Housing Authority to assist small and tenant farmers and to provide financial aid to low-cost construction.
  • quarantine

    Roosevelt calls for a “quarantine” of aggressor nations in a speech at Chicago.
  • the march of dimes

    Roosevelt begins the March of Dimes campaign to fight polio.
  • two ocean navy

    two ocean navy
    Roosevelt requests appropriation for construction of a two-ocean navy.
  • purge

    Roosevelt attempts an unsuccessful “purge” of conservatives from the Democratic Party in mid-term elections
  • fair labor standards act

    Roosevelt signs the Fair Labor Standards Act, establishing minimum wages and maximum hours.
  • daughters of america

    Eleanor Roosevelt resigns from the Daughters of the American Revolution after African-American singer Marian Anderson is denied the opportunity to sing in Constitution Hall.
  • on tv

    Roosevelt becomes first president to appear on television by addressing the opening ceremonies of the New York World's Fair.
  • entertaining royalty

    The White House entertains King George VI and Queen Elizabeth of Great Britain.
  • attack

    Following the German attack on Poland on September 1, Roosevelt soon proclaims a state of “limited national emergency” and then calls a special session of Congress to repeal the arms embargo.
  • albert einstein

    Roosevelt receives August 2 letter from Albert Einstein discussing the possibilities of an atomic bomb, and he creates the President's Advisory Committee on Uranium the following day.