Ch 12.4 The War Ends

  • Splitting of uranium

    German scientists successfully split a uranium atom. Leading U.S scientists to think they were creating atomic weapons.
  • Creation of the First Atomic Bomb

    Creation of the First Atomic Bomb
    Roosevelt created a secret group to work on a project code named The Manhattan Project. Scientists Szilard and Fermi created the first Nuclear reactor.
  • Battle of the Hedgerows

    Hedgerows were dirt walls several feet thick, covered in shrubbery to fence in cattle and crops. The Germans used these to defend their positions. 2,500 u.s bombers blew a hole through one allowing the tanks to pass by.
  • Period: to

    Battle of the Bulge

    They were in the middle of a snow storm and the Germans attacked American defenders. General Eisenhower ordered troops. and 3 days later Patton's troops arrived. Allied aircraft attacked Gemen fuel depots. By Dec 24 the Germans were out of fuel and had to surrender. The German troops withdrew on January 8th.
  • Nuremberg Trials

    Nuremberg Trials
    22 German leaders were prosecuted at these trials. 3 were acquitted, 7 were given prison sentences, and 12 were sentenced to death.
  • Attack on Iwo Jima

    60,000 marines landed on Iwo Jima. They also dropped bombs filled with napalm. Bombs would explode and also start fires.
  • American Tanks Cross the Rhine

    American Tanks Cross the Rhine
    American tanks crossed the Rhine and the German defences crumbled
  • Hitler dies

    Hitler dies
    Hitler knew the end of the war was near so he committed suicide in his berlin bunker.
  • V-E Day

    V-E day stands for victory in Europe.
  • Nuremberg Trials - continued

    Trials continued until 1949 putting 107 more german officials into prisons and 24 more executions.