Mar 3, 1492
Christopher Colombus sails to America
Spain sent Christopher Colombus on expeditions to claim land and make a profit for their country. His discoveries resulted in the exchange of crops and resources between the New and Old World. -
Queen Elizabeth sends people to Roanoke.
Queen Elizabeth allowed Walter Raleigh to send over 100 people from England to Roanoke. -
John White Brings His Family
John White was put in charge of Roanoke Island. John White left with Simon Fernandez. They arrived in England to find out Spain had invaded England. He took two tears to come back and when he came back there was nobody there. He never saw his family again. -
John Smith Landed In James River
A group of over one hundred men landed on the banks of Virginia's James River. They were attacked, but they were determined to stay. They were running out of food and getting sick. Only sixty men survived and established Jamestown, America's first permanent English colony. -
Smith Returns To England
Captain Smith returned to England when he became ill. Then the relations between the settlers and the Powhatan nation weakened. -
John Smith Dies
When Pocahontas went back to Jamestown and she was converted to Christianity -
The First Elect Assembly Was Established
The first elected assembly was called House of Burgesses, then African American workers called indentured servants arrived by boat to work a plot of land to later own it. -
Sailing To The New World
It took over two months to sail from England to the New World on the Mayflower. They ate salted beef and dried vegetables. -
Celebration Feast
After the first successful feast in the Fall Governor William Bradford held the celebration feast and shared the food with the Wampanoags. The celebration lasted three days. This began our tradition of celebrating Thanksgiving. -
King Charles II Gives William Penn Land
King Charles II gave William Penn land in the New World. William Penn named the land Sylvania and later called it Pennsylvania.