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Cesar Chavez / Rhyse

  • A New Life

    Cesar Chavez was born on March 31, 1927 in Yuma, Arizona.
  • A New Place

    A New Place
    In 1938 Cesar Chavez's family moved to California because they lost there farm.
  • School

    Cesar Chavez hated school. His teacher would hit him on the knuckles with a ruler.
  • Working on The Farm

    Working on The Farm
    In 1940 Cesar drropped out of s chool and worked on the farm. Working on the farm was tough. There were not combines and tractors to use. They had to use hoes.
  • The CSO

    The CSO
    In 1952 Cesar dedidated his life to the CSO. The CS0 is the Community Service organization.
  • Cesar passed away

    Cesar passed away
    Cesar Chavez died on 1993.