The Cell Phone Goes Public
Cell Phone goes publicAlthough the first cell phone was made in 1973 it wasn't released to the public until 1983 . -
First Smart Phone
The simmon was the the first smart phone it came with a stylus and was a step into future touch screen phone. -
The Flip Phone
Flip PhoneThe first flip phone was the Motorola StarTAC it was the new step in phones. -
Camera Phone
This was a camera phone that came out in 2000 allthough it didn't take the best pictures it was ok for the time. -
iPhone 1
This was the first phone from a future game changer in phones the apple iphone 1. -
Galaxy 4
This is the newest modle of the galaxy family and this phone used gueatures and motion for some things. -
iPhone 5s
iphone 5sThe iphone 5s is one the newest and most stylish iphone it is the first iphone to come in more colors then just blackj and white. -
iphone 5c
iphoneThe newest n most recent phone released is the iphone 5c . This iphone is an intire new look the iphone .