cell phone

  • 1st cell phone

    1st cell phone
    Martin Cooper invented the 1st cell phone
  • 1st call on a cell phone

    1st call on a cell phone
    Cooper made the first call on a portable cell phone
  • FCC encourages cell phone companies

    The FCC actually starts to encourage cell phone companies to push forward the “cellular idea”.
  • 100th cell phone

    The 100th cellular system is turned on in New Bedford, Massachusetts.
  • cell phone technology industry

    One of the most important years in cell phone evolution. The Cellular Technology Industry Association is created and helps to make the industry into an empire. One of its biggest contributions is when it helped create TDMA phone technology, the most evolved cell phone yet. It becomes available to the public in 1991.
  • 1st text message

    1st text message
    text messaging was first used
  • caller i.d.

    caller i.d. was made
  • cell sites

    cell sites
    50,000 cell sites across America