Rhodes Born
Cecil started growing cotton with his brother in Natal
"Diamond Fever" began attracting Cecil and his brother
Cecil and brother from Natal begin their search for diamonds in their personal mines
Returned to England to go to Oxford
Rhodes revealed his British Imperialism ideas in his will after a heart-attack
Rhodes formed business called De Beer's Mining Company
Elected to the Cape Parliament
Period: to
Rhodes gets much richer
Recieved Bachelor of Arts Degree from Oxford University
Rhodes secured mining grants from Lobengula
Rhodes persuades British to send charter to begin B.S.A.C.
White settlers on Lobengula's territory because of BSAC
Rhodes became the premier of the Cape
Restricted Africans' educational and property qualifications
Ndebele crushed by British forces in War of 1893
Rhodes set up the new system of "native administration"
Rhodes rushed his idea and plotted a rebellion against Boer
Leander Jamesonturns in Rhodes for his plot
Rhodes resigned his premiership because of Jameson
rhodes trpped inside Kimberley during the Anglo-Boer war
Released From Kimberley
Traveled Europe and returned to Cape
Cecil rhodes death in Muizenberg, South Africa