Julius Caesar

By halolha
  • 100 BCE


    He is born on the 13th of July in Rome. Into the Julii family.
  • 73 BCE


    He was elected pontifex, a member of the principal college of priests.
  • 63 BCE

    Pontifex maximus

    He is elected the head of the principal college of priests.
  • 59 BCE


    he was elected consul of Rome, one of the two men who ruled Rome.
  • 53 BCE


    Crassus, one of the triumvirate a group of 3 men that rule Rome, dies.Tension between Caesar and Pompey rises.
  • 49 BCE

    Civil war

    a civil war erupts between Caesar and Pompey.
  • 45 BCE


    Caesar officially names himself dictator of Rome
  • 44 BCE


    Julius Caesar dies aged 66. He was assassinated by a group of political rivals.