Caution to the Wind

  • G. Washington appointed commander-in-chief

  • Congress adopts Declaration of Independence

  • Benjamin Franklin sets sail for France

  • Marquis de Lafayette is received in Philadelphia

  • American victory at the Battle of Saratoga

  • France signs a Treaty of Alliance with America

  • Admiral d’Estaing of France leaves Toulan, France for America

  • France declares war on Britain

  • d’Estaing reaches New York

  • George Washington sends Lafayette to Newport

  • d’Estaing reaches Newport

  • Lafayette reaches Newport

  • Lord Howe appears offshore

  • A violent storm rages for three days

  • Lafayette and Greene are sent by Sullivan to meet the damaged fleet

  • d’Estaing’s fleet leaves for Boston to make repairs

  • Sullivan’s inflammatory missives reach Congress

  • Lafayette leaves for France to further alliance

  • Lafayette returns from France

  • Lafayette reunites with Washington in Morristown

  • Rochambeau and Ternay arrive off Newport

  • Rochambeau, Washington, and Ternay discuss at Hartford with Lafayette as translator

  • De Grasse’s fleet arrives at Yorktown

  • The Battle of Yorktown begins

  • Cornwallis surrenders

  • US and Great Britain sign the Treaty of Paris