Causes of WWII

  • Invasion of Poland

    Invasion of Poland
    Hitler invades poland in september 1. Conflict began when Germany claimed that the Polish Corridor was Germany's. He demanded that it be returned and in 1939, he annexed the corridor. Hitler’s air force made a massive attack on Poland. This was the beginning of WWII.
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    In 1931, the Japanese army invaded Manchuria. This was a declaration of war due to the fact that they were breaking the league of nations rules. Japanese threw out the Chinese and set up their own government in Manchuria. China asked the League to help in order to solve the problem and in 1932, Japanese were ordered to leave Manchuria. They refused to leave because they had just invaded, so then, they decided to just leave the league.
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    Ethiopia had been attacked during the 16th century but had kept its independence. Mussolini wanted to invade Ethiopia(Abyssinia) because he wanted to create war. Ethiopia asked the league for help but Mussolini ignored what the league was telling him. He then invaded Ethiopia and the league banned weapons and other things. Over 400,000 Italian troops fought in Ethiopia.
  • Germany’s Rearmament

    Germany’s Rearmament
    Hitler said that Germany had begun to construct an air force of about half a million men. For two years, the military expanded its army without people knowing. Most countries and the League of Nations had made statements to criticize Hitler’s plans. By March 1935, Hitler felt that he should go public on Nazi Germany’s military expansion and tell everyone his plans. However, they did not do much as to punish Germany.
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    Spanish Civil War

    The Spanish Civil War began as a revolt by the Spanish military in Morocco. It then spread into the mainland and it soon became a small war. Germany and Italy saw Spain as a way to overcome France and in a way, threaten Great Britain. The Soviet Union then, sent planes. Later, Franco took control and set up a fascist government.
  • Anschluss

    In July 1934 Austrian and German Nazis attempted a takeover but were unsuccessful. On March 12 Germany invaded Anschluss. Anschluss was also known as the annexation of Austria. Austria was now absorbed by Germany. Nazis soon began their policy of persecuting political dissidents and all Jewish citizens as well.
  • Czechoslovakia

    Hitler wanted to march into Czechoslovakia but the generals had said that czechoslovakia had a really strong army. Mussolini and Hitler had a meeting as they were desperate to avoid war. Despite this, Hitler sent his troops into Czech area and made it a German protectorate. He then declared the remainder of the country an independent state called Slovakia. By March 1939, Czechoslovakia lost and it was now under the control of Germany