End of World War 1
At 11am, on the 11th of the 11th month, Germany had agreed to sign an armistice which proposed an agreement to have peace and no more fighting. This was prepared by British and French forces. -
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Causes of World War 2
Assignment -
League of Nations Created
The League of Nations organisation was created as a means to prevent potential wars through collective security and disarmament, thus maintaining world peace. International disputes were also discussed and settled through negotiation and compensation. -
Signing of the Treaty of Versailles
The Treaty of Versailles was one of the peace treaties that ended the devastation of World War 1. One of the reparations was for Germany and its allies to accept responsibility for all the loss and damage of World War 1. Germany was made to pay 33 billion US dollars in compensation money. -
Adolf Hitler Becomes the Leader of the Nazi Party
At the time, the Nazi party was run by an executive committee of people in which considered Hitler to be overbearing, thus intended to weaken his position by forming an alliance with socialists from Augsburg. Hitler countered by publicly announcing his resignation as he knew he was paramount to the political party. Without him, the Nazi party was nothing. He proposed that he would rejoin them on the conditions that he was positioned as the chairman and given dictatorial authority. -
Germany Joins the League of Nations
Germany had finally and formally been admitted to the League of Nations with a permanent seat in the council. They were initially refused in 1919 as a consequence of initiating the first World War. -
Stock Market on Wall Street Crashes
The biggest stock market crash of the world had occurred in America, leaving the world devastated. The sudden crash initiated a chain of events which eventually lead to a 10 year great depression. As a result, the German economy crumbled, there were no longer foreign investors, therefore business' became bankrupt. A large majority of jobs in Germany were made redundant as there were no longer business' to work for. Hitler utilized the dystopian situation and offered jobs in the military. -
Germans Elect the Nazi Party
As an extreme right-wing political party, the people of Germany saw this as a glimmer of hope. They received 17,277,180 votes which equates to 43.91% of the total votes. -
Adolf Hitler Appointed the Chancellor of Germany
President Paul von Hindenburg appoints Adolf Hitler as the Chancellor of Germany, meaning Hitler was the head of government. In modern terms, the chancellor would equate to being the prime minister or president of a nation. -
Nazi Party Declared Germany's Only Political Party
On this day, Hitler had decided it would be acceptable to eliminate all potential threats to his position in power. Every opposing political party ceased to exist, declaring the Nazi Party as Germany's only government system. -
Germany Quits League of Nations
Germany, now under Hitler's direct control, he had made the decision to leave the League of Nations. This was a result of the League of Nations attempting to reach an international disarmament agreement. This prompted both Germany and Japan to leave the League of Nations. -
Adolf Hitler Becomes Führer of Germany
Hitler officially announces himself as the Führer of Germany, this means he was the tyrannical leader. He was close to a God, in that, whatever he said had to be done. His subjective opinion was viewed as factual and if ever defied, there were extremely severe consequences. -
Hitler Violates the Treaty of Versailles by Introducing Military Conscription
One of the first few acts of potential war from Germany was reintroducing military conscription. This was Hitler's solution to the Great Depression, in that the military offered jobs to millions of men. However, this lead to the expansion of Germany's army, which posed a threat to the world. -
Germany Invades Rhineland
With a now large army, Germany violated the Treaty of Versailles once again. They invaded to their west, in Rhineland where they killed and confiscated the land and people. -
German Military Mobilizes
Hitler had called 750,000 German troops for an unprecedented series of military exercises. They were trained for combat and provided with supplies such as guns and protective helmets. -
German Troops Invade Sudetenland
Sudetenland was a small portion of Czechoslovakia inhabited by over 3 million people. Many natives reluctantly became Nazi supporters, as the consequences of not were severe. -
Adolf Hitler Publicly Threatens the Jewish Community
As the 6th anniversary to Hitler's rise to power, Hitler's went forth with the "Reichstag speech" outside the Reichstag building. There he directly stated that he would annihilate the Jewish race within Europe. He justified the statement with the fact that the Jewish financers were the initial cause of plunging the people of Earth into a World War. -
Nazis Invade Czechoslovakaia
The "Wehrmacht", the Armed Forces of Nazi Germany occupied Czechoslovakia, from Prague Castle to Bohemia and Moravia. -
Nazis Sign a "Pact of Steel" with Italy
Formally known as the "Pact of Friendship and Alliance Between Germany and Italy", the Pact of Steel basically stated that Germany and Italy agreed to form an alliance. They also agreed to the "Secret Supplementary Protocol", which meant that their military and economic ways were agreed on. -
Britain & Poland Sign a Mutual Assistance Treaty
Britain and Poland agreed to sign a treaty where if one was ever attacked, the other would agree to send assistance. This played a major factor to the beginning of World War 2. -
Nazis Invade Poland (Start of World War 2)
When Germany initiated an invasion onto Poland, the treaty between Britain and Poland became active. Britain therefore declared war onto Germany, and because Germany had a pact with Italy, their pact became active too. Because Britain had now declared war, Australia, Canada and France declared war too. Turkey took the side of Germany and Russia initially started on the side of Germany. -
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Declaration of War
Britain, France, Australia, New Zealand and Canada declare war on Germany. -
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Russia Invades Poland
Russia invades Poland on the 17th of September and divides the land with Germany on the 29th of September. -
Hitler Betrays Russia
Initially, Russia had an agreement with Germany, stating that both would invade Poland and split the land and money evenly amongst the two nations. However, on June the 22nd 1941, Hitler had planned a surprise attack on Russia. As a result, Russia quickly swapped sides to the Allies. Therefore the Axis now consisted of Germany, Italy and Japan. And on the Allied powers were Britain, France and Russia (predominant nations).