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Causes of World War 2

  • The Treaty of Versaille

    The Treaty of Versaille
    The Treaty of Versaille was utterly humilating for the Germans. It crippled their economy as well as installed a very weak political system. This in turn led to the resentment of other European nations for making Germany so weak.
  • The Reichstag Fire.

    The Reichstag Fire.
    By twisting the facts just a little Hitler was able to use this tradgedy as a huge power play. While the fire was indeed set by a Dutch communist, Hitler rallied the goverment by invocing a fear of communist invasion.
  • Johnson Debt Default Act is Passed

    Johnson Debt Default Act is Passed
    This act was intended to force the European nations to pay back the debts of World War 1 to the Americains. The Johnson Debt Default Act forbade giving loans to these countries and included harsh punishments for perpitraitors. Because of the Johnson Debt Act many countries simply stopped attemping to pay back their debt to the Americians, which made the depression worse.
  • Hitler Becomes the Führer

    Hitler Becomes the Führer
    After the death of President Paul von Hindenburg, Hitler was able to combine the offices of the presidency with that of the chancellor. Hitler gave himself the title Fuhrer literally meaning leader. Under this new title Hitler had power unlike any man before him in Germany.
  • Italy Invades Ethiopia

    Italy Invades Ethiopia
    In an attempt to gain power and territory Italy attempeted to invade the one of the only independent nationsof Africa; Ethiopia. The Ethiopians fought back though they didnt have the tachnilogical prowess of the Italians and were crushed.The League of Nations punished Italy through sanctions after this incident.
  • Germany Stages troops in Rhineland

    Germany Stages troops in Rhineland
    Acting in defiance of the Treaty of Versaille Hitler ordered troops to set up bases inside the then demilitarized Rhineland. In this matter Hitler was effectivly testing the waters so to speak. He wanted to see what the reaction of the European community would be to such a bold move. Not one however did anything to stop the stationing of troops in Rhineland.
  • The Spanish Civil War

    The Spanish Civil War
    This event allowed Germany to create a kinship with Italy, later leading the two to sign alliances. The Spanish civil war also allowed Hitler to test the latest technoligies and battlefield tactics.
  • Rome-Berlin Axis Formed

    Rome-Berlin Axis Formed
    Both Hitler and Mussolini were aggressivly building their nations and eventually both realized the potiental of an alliance beween Germany and Italy. The Axis worried many of the other Europeans because both nations were heavily militarized. Eventually Japan would join this alliance.
  • Japan Invades China

    Japan Invades China
    Japan invaded China in 1937 which was a major cause of WW2. The war was the result of aJapanese imperialist policy aiming to dominate China politically and militarily. This is important because it shows Japan was just as war hungry as Germany.
  • Austrian Annexation

    Austrian Annexation
    While many citizens of Austria were for the annexation of Austira, many of the governing officials were bullied into it. Hitler effeciently removed the sitting president and forced him to sign over key goverment positions to Nazi party members. Completing this Germany was able to annex Austria with almost no resistance.
  • The Munich Conference

    The Munich Conference
    The Munich conference was held to try to reprimand Germany for the remilitarizination in Rhineland. Hitler demanded in return for territory in Sudetenland, Germany would stop its advances. Britain and France agreed to this and this was yet another power play win for Germany.
  • Germany Occupies Czechoslovakia

    Germany Occupies Czechoslovakia
    After gaining territory close to Czechoslovakia in the Munich Conference Hitler decided he wanted to conquer all of Czechoslovakia. This outraged many leaders of various European countries. The leaders met in Munich yet again to try to appease Germany and elude a war. In yet another scenario Britain and France caved as Hitler was allowed to do as he will and Germany annexed Czechoslovakia.
  • Italians Invaid Albania

    Italians Invaid Albania
    Italy became jealous of Germanys annexation of Czechoslovakia. Seeing the realitive ease with which Germany got Czechoslovakia, the Italians decided to try to gain territory in Albania. Albania was already dependent on Italy's economy, so the Italians gained little from conquering it.
  • The Non Aggression Pact

    The Non Aggression Pact
    While neither Germany or the Soviet Union were perticuarly fond of one another, they agree to sign the non agression pact. Hitler masterminded this allaince as to prevent the possibility of commiting Germany to a 2-front war. This alliance even included clause to overthrow Poland and redistribute its territories between Germany and the Soviet Union.
  • German Invasion of Poland

    German Invasion of Poland
    Germany invaded Poland with brutal effeincy. Within a matter of weeks Poland had fallen under Nazi control. Eventually Germany annexed Poland as well as many of the territories surronding it that Germany had lost through the Treaty of Versaille.