
Causes of US Entry into WW1

  • Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand

    Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand
    While Franz ferdinand, the austrian archduke visted Bosnia, Secret terrorist group the black hand plotted to kil him and his wife Sophie. The Group succeeded, leaving a angry austria to blame Serbian goverment with germany's support austria threatened war.
  • WWI begins & US reaction

    WWI begins & US reaction
    Austria along with Germany provided Serbia a ultimatum for the death of the archduke. Russian came to the aid of its small comrade who was allied with france. With Geat Britain being sucked in somewhere in between. Most americans were anti-german and just happy that the Atlantic sea was there to keep out the fighting.
  • SInking of the Lusitania

    SInking of the Lusitania
    British passenger liner Lusitania was torpedoed and sank off the coast of Irelandl. 1,198 lives were lost including 128 Americans. Germans justified the sinking because of the 4,200 cases of small-arms ammunition onboard.
  • Arabic Pledge

    Arabic Pledge
    A British liner the Arabic was sunk by Germany with the loss of 2 American lives. Afterwards Germany agreed not to sink unarmed and unresisting passenger ships without warning.
  • Pancho Villa raids New Mexico

    Pancho Villa raids New Mexico
    Hopin to provoke a war bwteen Wilson and Carranza, Pancho Villa went over the border into Columbus, New Mexico and murdered 19 Americans. Lead to Wilson sending John J. Perching to deal with Villa,but not successfuly.
  • Sussex Pledge

    Sussex Pledge
    Germany violating the previous pledge, torpedoed a French passenger steamer the Sussex. Afterwards, once again Germany agreed to stop sinking passenger sinks on the condition the US persuade the Allies to lift the blockade.
  • "He kept us out of war"

    "He kept us out of war"
    Woodrow Wilson campaign was built on the slogan "He kept us out of war". Warning the nation if Charles Evans Hughes were to be elected then that would be a vote towards war.
  • Resumption of unrestricted submarine warfare

    Resumption of unrestricted submarine warfare
    After three years of fighting Germany decided making the distinciton between combatants and noncombatants not in their best interest. Germany would now try to bring the Allies to its Knees well knowing it would take the US a year to enter the war.
  • Zimmerman Note

    Zimmerman Note
    German foreign secretary Arthur Zimmermann had secretly proposed a German-Mexican alliance, Promising Mexico the recovery of Texas, New Mexico, and Arizona. Infruriating the American people pushing them steps closer to war.
  • Russian Revolution

    Russian Revolution
    Russia overthrew the Tsar thus backing out of the war. The US could now enter the great war in the name of Democracy .