Magna Carta
law,rights,King JohnGreat charter, June 1215 -
Jamestown founded
first English Colony, Virginiasuccessful,tobacco,John Smith -
Virginia House of Burgesses
first legislative in ColoniesAssembly,Jamestown 1619 -
Mayflower Compact
Ship,first self-governmentSocial Contract, 1620 -
Fundamental Orders of Connecticut
Colonial Constitution,rule of lawmade in Connecticut -
Navigation Acts
Passed by English ParliamentRegulate colonial Trade -
English Bill of Rights
Passed by ParliamentSeparation Powers,limits powers -
Zenger Trials
Step towards freedomFreedom of Press -
French and Indian War
Indian allies with FrenchFrench vs. British -
Treaty of Paris
A Peace TreatyEnd French and Indian War -
Proclamation Line
After French and Indian WarNo settling past Appalachians -
Sugar Act
tax on sugardiscourage smugglers,avoid taxes -
Stamp Act
tax on all paperHelp the British Troops -
Quartering Act
Colonists housing soldiersColonists have no say -
Townshend Act
taxes to remain loyalTaxes on glass, paint ,(etc.) -
Boston Massacre
British Army attacks coloniststurning point for colonists -
Tea Act
Reduce massive amount teaEast India Company -
Boston Tea party
Protest by Sons LibertyProtest of Tea Act -
1st Continental Congress
Meeting,delegates, twelve coloniesorganize colonial resistance -
Intolerable Acts
Laws passed by BritainPunished colonists in Tea Act -
Battles of Lexington and concord
first battles of warThe British are coming! -
2nd Continental Congress
after 1st continental congressmove towards independence -
battle of Bunker Hill
British won the BattleAmerican's confidence boost -
Common Sense Published
written by Thomas Painedecide to fight for Independence -
Declaration of Independence
very important documentstates colonies' grievancesColonies wanted Independence -
turning point of WarAmerican's victory was important -
Valley Forge
Military camp by PhiladelphiaContinental army spent winter -
Articles of Confederation
A written documentmade functions of government -
Last battle of WarBritish surrendered at Yorktown -
treaty of paris
U.S. and Britain ended warBritain recognized Independence