Causes of the First Period of the Chinese Civil War

  • Double Tenth Revolution and establishment of Chinese Republic

    Double Tenth Revolution and establishment of Chinese Republic
    The ruling dynasty was overthrown in a revolution known as the Double Tenth.
  • Creation of Chinese Republic

    Creation of Chinese Republic
    In a attempt to seize political initiative, "independent" provinces gathered in Nanjing to declare the creation of a Chinese Republic.
  • Guomindang (GMD)

    Guomindang (GMD)
    Sun`s party reformed as the GMD and declared itself a parliamentary party.
  • Warlord Era

    Warlord Era
    Yuan dies and Warlord era begins.
  • The Bolshevik Revolution

    The Bolshevik Revolution
    The new Bolshevik government had also denounced the imperialists , and said that all contested border claims would be dropped.
  • May Fourth Movement

    May Fourth Movement
    May Fourth Movement began. Students led a mass demonstration in Beijing against the Warlords
  • CCP formed

    CCP formed
    Chinese Communist Party formed
  • First United Front

    First United Front
    GMD and CCP formed the First United Front
  • Sun dies

    Sun dies
    National government set up under leadership of GMD
  • White Terror

    White Terror
    Jiang now expelled all communists from GMD and his attacks on the communists reached a peak in Shanghai