3w chinesecivilbig

Causes of the first period of the Chinese Civil War

By Lore G
  • Political weakness + influence from foreigners

    Political weakness + influence from foreigners
    After the Opium Wars, China was under foreign reign as the country was forced to sign treats which were only favorable to the other nations (control over Chinese territory, sovereignty & trade)
  • Life as a peasant

    Life as a peasant
    They had to harvest land, pay taxes, deal with floods, starvation and most of them were in extreme poverty. Inmigration to the big cities meant unemployment with the late update in technology and cheap imports. This was in the Manchu imperial times
  • Double Tenth Revolution

    Double Tenth Revolution
    With the purpose to overthrown Manchu dynasty, this movement tried to restore the country and put a democracy. It didn't happen. Revolution was incomplete and Dr. Sun Yixian ended being corrupted
  • Yuan Shikai & GMD

    Yuan Shikai & GMD
    After Yixian ceded the presidency to Yuan Shikai, this person ended being a military dictator. This impeded China to be united. That year, the GMD was created by Sun
  • Yuan Shikai's death

    Yuan Shikai's death
    This was a major event. Even though he broke China's so-called Republic as proclaiming himself emperor, he gave stability to the country
  • May Fourth Movement

    May Fourth Movement
    Dedicated to change and to give China a chance to be reborn as an independent nation, away from foreign influence. Students, and those involved, saw imperialism was one of the most important problems in China
  • Warlords Era

    Warlords Era
    China was divided and controlled by different warlords. Feelings of both humiliation and nationalism started to rose up
  • White Terror

    White Terror
    General Jiang made a purification movement inside GMD against communists firstly in Shanghai, then to the rest of the country. Were fixated to eradicate communism
  • Northern Expedition

    Northern Expedition
    After General Jiang Jieshi (from the GMD) saw warlords were the reason China wasn't united, he eradicated them along with the Communist Party; mainly the warlords from the center and northern sides of China were abolished
  • GMD & CCP

    GMD & CCP
    Ideology was the reason these two movements got separated ways. Also because communism was being more popular among peasants, which Jiang didn't like at all