Compromise of 1850
This Compromise enacted that California would be admitted to the U.S. as a free state, Texas would relinquish control over New Mexico, and the Slave Trade (not slavery itself) would be banned in Washington, D.C. -
Furgitive Slave Law
This law enacted that all escaped slaves, on free soil or otherwise, were to be returned to their owners (cause much upset for Northerners). -
Uncle Tom's Cabin Publication
This novel by Harriet Beecher Stowe 'helped lay the groundwork for the Civil War.' It gave undisclosed insight into the lives of slaves. -
Kansas-Nebraska Act of 1854
This act repealed the Missouris Compromise and allowed unorganized territory to vote over slavery through popular sovereignty. -
Brooks Attacks Sumner in Senate
The issue over slavery led to the Kansas-Nebraska Act and thereafter popular sovereignty. Brooks, a Southern ssenator, attack Sumner, a Northern senator, savagely and with his cane out of disagrement over slavery. -
Birth of the Republican Party
This party, founded by dominantly anti-slavery activists, was (and is) generally conservative. Most republicans hailed from the North and is also known as the G.O.P. (GRand Old Party). -
Dred Scott Vs. Sanford
The result of this Supreme Court case was that no African American, free or enslaved, could be an American citizen and therefore had no right to sue in Federal Court. -
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John Brown's Raid of Harper's Ferry
John Brown led a group of abolitionists into Harper's Ferry and captured prominent citizens and seized federal weaponry. He had hoped local enslavewd people would join his ranks, but they did not. He was late executed in prison. -
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John Brown's Raid on Harper's Ferry
John Brown led a group of abolitionists in an attack on Harper's Ferry. They attacked prominent citizens and captured the armory, hoping local slvaes would join in. Brown was captured days later and hanged in December. -
Election of 1860
Abraham Lincoln was elceted as a member of the Rebublican party with virtually no votes from the South. Before Lincoln's inauguration, seven states declared secession and soon after fromed the Confederacy. -
Shots fired at Fort Sumter, NC
This took place after the seccession of South Carolina. These shots were the start of the Civil War.