Missouri Compromise of 1820
In 1820, Henry Clay created the MIssouri Compromise in Missouri-Lousianna territory to settle the dispute between whether or not new incoming states should have slaves.
(http://www.slideshare.net/thelawnguys/missouri-compromise-9579377) -
Period: to
Causes of The Civil War
Included in this time-line are some of the min causes of the Civil War.
Created By: Alyssa Miller
Class Period: 7th -
Causes of the Civil War
In 1846 the Wilmot Proviso was created in Mexico by David Wilmot that removed the right for slave owners to bring slaves into a new territory. The Wilmot Proviso was created to prevent the spread of slavery in new territories. Finally, the Wilmot Proviso failed to be passed into law.
(http://www.americaslibrary.gov/aa/polk/aa_polk_wilmot_1_e.html) -
Compromise of 1850
The Compromise of 1850 was created by Henry Clay in Washington D.C & California. It wass created because California was passed as a free stae, and in exchange congress passed the Fugitive Slave Act. The Compromise of 1850 was created to keep the balance between slave states and free states. (http://www.ushistory.org/us/30d.asp) -
Fugitive Slave Act
The Fugitive Slave Act was created by Congress in the North. It is a pair of federal laws that allowed for the capture and return of runaway slaves. The South complained it was against states rights for the slave states. Also, Uncle Tom's cabin was created to critize this act. (http://www.history.com/topics/black-history/fugitive-slave-acts) -
Kansas-Nebraska Act
In 1854, Senator Stephen Douglas propsed the new dctrine of popular sovereignty. The Kansas-Nebraska Act was created so people in a territory would decide whether or not that area should have slavery. This act over-turned the Missouri Compromise. (https://historygcp.wordpress.com/unit-2-compromise-and-conflict/kansas-nebraska-act/) -
Bleeding Kansas
In 1855, proslavery and anti-slavery settlers rushed to Kansas Territory to vote for the territoral legislature. Anti-slavery settlers boycotted the official government and formed there own. For the next three years a Civil War broke out in Kansas. (http://www.examiner.com/article/bleeding-kansas-served-as-a-prelude-to-the-american-civil-war) -
Dred Scott v. Sandford
In the South, Dred Scott sued for his freedom, having been on free soil, he argued that he could not be taken back into slavery. He was eventually taken by his owner to the North then back into slavery in the South. He was declared a non-citizen, therefore he could not bring a lw suit before the court. (http://www.mohistory.org/Dred_Scott/images/dred_sandford_600.html) -
Lincoln- Douglas Debates
In 1858, in Charleston Illinois President Lincoln favored popular sovereignty. He believed African Americans were entitled to the basic rightss guarenteed in the Declaration of Independence. President Lincoln said that the nation cant endure permanetly, half slave and half free. (http://www.texasgopvote.com/topics/lincoln-douglas-debate)