Causes of the Civil War

  • The Missouri Compromise

    The Missouri Compromise war about to have slavery or not. many people wanted free states some people wanted slave states.
  • John Brown at Pottawatomie Creek

    John Brown and his wife had twenty children. He was also involved in the time Bleeding Kansas.
  • The raid of Harper's Ferry

    John Brown led a small group of 18 men into a small village of harpers ferry
  • Abraham Lincoln's Election

    It connects to Slave States or Free States. Abraham Lincoln was an abolitionist so some people didn't like him.
  • Slave States or Free States

    Some States wanted to be free and some didn't. So the wanted to have a war for the right.
  • Abolitionist

    A abltionist is a person who doesnt think slavery is fair so they fight to abolish slavery.
  • The Kansas Nabraska Act

    Kansas and Nabraska was told from the US government the can decide for themselves to have slavery or not.
  • Protection

    The Union and The Confederacy didn't like each other so they tried to go and destroy each other's territory.