The Missouri Compromise
- Missouri was entered as a slave state
- Main was entered as a free state
- The 36' 33' line is drawn -the line decided whether slavery would be allowed in certain territories or not -The compromise was effective for almost thirty years! After about 1850. problems began to occur and it was less and less effective
Wilmont Proviso
-He wanted to stop the spread of slavery into the territories won from Mexico
-The plan passed the house but failed in the senate
-The plan made the South suspicious of the North's intentions -
Free Soil Party
-New political party formed in Buffalo, New York
-Formed by Northerners who wanted to discuss issue of slavery
-Party was a "sectional party"
-The picked Martin Van Buren as their candidate president -
Compromise of 1850
- California enters as a free state
- Mexican Cession divided into Utah and New Mexico. Slavery decided by Popular Sovereignty
- Ended slave trade in Washington D.C
- Strict Fugitive Slave Law
- Settled border problem between New Mexico and Texas
(Problems better for a short period of time and then became worse)
Fugitive Slave Law
-Law was part of 1850 Compromise
-Required citizens to catch runaway slaves
-If a person did not comply they could be fined up to $1000, or jail for 6 months
-Judges received $10-returned slave $5-freed them
-Northerners hated the law because it forced them to become a part of the system of slavery -
Uncle Tom's Cabin
-Was a novel written by Harriett Beecher Stowe
-The point of writing it was to show the evil of slavery (slave who got whipped to death by his owner)
-After the North read it they soon began to change their view of slavery
-The South said the book was full of lies -
Kansas-Nebraska Act
-Divided lands into Kansas and Nebraska territories
-Slavery would be decided by popular sovereignty
-led to violence in the senate
-Northerners believe the REPEALS the Missouri Compromise -
Pottowatomi Creek Killings
-John Brown and his sons decided to take the law into their own hands
-They ride to a small town named Pottowatomi Creek then pull five pro slavery men out of their beds in the middle of the night
-The men were murdered
-Many northerners while they don't believe in slavery were appalled at what he did -
Dred Scott Decision
-Dred Scott was a slave
-lived in a free territory with his owner
-While there, the owner died
-Scott had abolitionist attorneys file a law suit for him
-He lost at the supreme court
-The court said he was not a citizen, he was property
-congress could not ban slavery in any of the territories
-this repealed the Missouri compromise
-This mean that slavery could spread into all of the territories! -
Lincoln-Douglas Debate
-Douglas believed in deciding slavery by popular sovereignty
-Lincoln did not want slavery to spread into any other territories
-Lincoln also believed that the union would not survive if the fighting continued -
Raid on Harper's Ferry
-John Brown led 5 black and 13 whites into Harper's Ferry
-They planned to start a slave revolt
-Problem: no slaves "rose" to help
-A lot of his men died and he was arrested by Robert E Lee
-Brown was later found of treason and he was hanged -
Election of 1860
-The Southern states did not like Lincoln or what he believed in. Yet he was still elected. They supported Douglas
-Southerners grew angry. They said it did not matter what their opinions were, and that they North had too much power
-Many Southerners talked of seceding from the union