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Causes of the Chinese War

  • The overthrow of the Manchu dynasty

    The overthrow of the Manchu dynasty
    After the death of the emperor, the two other successors couldn´t rule and create more poverty and famine, people worker hard and paid a lot of taxes and there was no socio-economic progress, frustating people, creating a revolution with a military rising.
  • Political weakness and influence of foreign powers

    Political weakness and influence of foreign powers
    China was forced to sign unequal treaties, inflation, corruption, and financial chaos from imperialist powers. Also by that time China had lost important territories and the war (humiliated and exploited, for example poor people were more exploted and with less sources than before).
    °Boxer rebellion, Taiping rebellion, Russo-Japanese War (destabilization)
  • The rule of Yuan Shikai

    The rule of Yuan Shikai
    China became a dictatorship and suffer a socio-economic downturn, since he count with the support of the military strengths he abolished regional assemblies. At the end, after a lot of bad decisions, he lost the support of the military, abdicating the power.
  • Regionalism

    Since there wasn´t a figure to represent and control China, the country broke up into smalls provinces, each one controlled by a warlord and his private army.
  • May Fourth Movement

    May Fourth Movement
    Was a mass demonstration in Beijing against warlorlds, traditional Chinese culture and the Japanese. This movement was led by students and intellectuals, with the aim of the rebirth of China and change it (a nation to be proud of).
    Also this movement was originated due to the hostility of people against the Versailles settlement and the Imperialism.
  • First United Front

    First United Front
    Since people were tired about the "type of government", they set up two groups -communists and nationalists- , although they had different ideologies, they decided to unified China, by getting rid of warlords.
  • Northern Expedition

    Northern Expedition
    Together, the GMD and CCP destroyed the power of the warlords, crushing the warlords of central and northern China, tooking Beijing in 1928. Finally the GMD announced that it was the legitimate government of China and that the new capital and seat of government would be Nanjing.
  • Ideology?

    After the Northern Expedition, China was not unified. This was caused due to the different ideologies that each party believed in, dividing the 2 parties.
    The CCP: peasants and industrial workers started to grow againstt leaders (landlords) and high social classes
    GMD: Jiang had the support of middle classes and landlords. So they came to the conclusion that if they wanted to continue having power they needed to get rid of the CCP.
  • Shanghai massacre

    Shanghai massacre
    GMD no longer tolerated the communists since they were getting out of their power, so they decided to attack the Communists in a purification movement, in which they massacre thousands of Communists, trade unionists and peasant leaders, also the workers army were defeated.
  • Attacks on CCP

    Attacks on CCP
    CCP was nearly crushed, so they flee into the mountains of Jiangsi in order to survive, GMD pursued them to destroy the communists.