Chinese civil war 014

Causes of the Chinese Civil War

By LuisGJ
  • Peasants situation

    Peasants situation
    The majority of the population were peasants.
    The peasants were extremely poor.
    They have to pay taxes to the Manchu Imperial Court.
    Landlors increase rents (80% of harvest)
  • Pu Yi Succession

    Pu Yi Succession
    The death of the Emperor led to the Political weakness of the Manche Dinasty.
    2 years old Pu yi became Emperor.
    Puppet Emperor.
  • Double Tenth Revolution

    Double Tenth Revolution
    Manchu Dinasty overthrowned.
    Creation of a "Republic".
    The Wuchang´s soldiers revolved and spreed the Revolution.
    Independence of most of the provinces from Beijing.
  • Yuan Shikai, the first president of the Chinese Republic.

    Yuan Shikai, the first president of the Chinese Republic.
    It was planned that the Dr. Sun Yixian willbe the first president but he gave up the post to avoid political issues.
    There was no real introduction of Democracy.
    Most former officers kept their positions.
  • Warlord Era

    Warlord Era
    Yuan Shikai dissolved the National Assembly after making himself presindent for the next 10 years.
    By 1914 Yuan was ruling as a dictactor.
    In 1915 he felt enough confident to to make himself Emperor.
    He would die in 2 years and the Warlord Era will begin.
  • The May Fourth Movement

    The May Fourth Movement
    Over 3000 Chinese stuents protest the Treaty of Versailles.
    Against the 21 demans of Japan.
    Was a turning point for China from being weak to strart a new modern life.
  • FIRST UNITED FRONT & the end of the Warlord Era.

    FIRST UNITED FRONT & the end of the Warlord Era.
    GMD = People´s Nationalist Party (1912) = Nationalist, democracy and people´s living.
    CCP = Chinese Communist Party (1921) = Rebirth of China as a proud and indepenent Nation.
    The FUF destroy the power of the warlords in 1927
  • The Shangai Massacre

    The Shangai Massacre
    Nationalist forces led by Chiang Kai-shek attacked the CCP.
    The communiste escape from s¿Shangai to the mountains of Jiangxi.
    Inmediate Cause of the Civil War.
  • White Terror and Mao´s ideologies.

    White Terror and Mao´s ideologies.
    The GMD oficcially starts a purgations of all the communist in China (CCP).
    Mao adopted the theories of Marx to apply it in China situation, peasants will bethe base.
  • Japan takes Manchuria.

    Japan takes Manchuria.
    Japan invades the territory of Manchuria, leading to a halt to hostilities between the CCP and the KMT.
    Manchuria became Manchuko.