Double tenth Revolution
Manchu dynasty was defeated and the creation of Chinas republic -
The creation of the republican constitution
Creation of assemblies.
Yuan didnt want the idea of centralize power -
Yixian becames provisional president of Chinas republic
Shikai argued with Sun Yixian to be president of the just created republic -
Twenty one demands
Shikai attempts to be the emperor made enough pressure to be consistent and affect to create a war -
Shikai was proclamed emperor
Shikai was declared himselves emperor.
The GMD lose the support of the military forces -
The may fourth movement
Some students started a movement against warlords to made a change, they also looked for the rebirth of China -
Chinesse communist party
The creation of the CCP by intellectuals that were not enough in military terms and the pact of working with the GMD -
First united front
With the intention of unify China, GMD and CCP decided to work together and made the first front -
Withe terror
Jian said NO to communist and expelled them out, attack them and took them out of the GMD -
GMD against the communist
The persecution of thousands of communist and let the CCP free into the mountains, JIANGSI