3w chinesecivilbig

Causes of the Chinese Civil War

  • First Opium War

    First Opium War
    Conflict between United Kingdom and the Qing Dynasty in China beacuse of the trafficking of Opium
  • The First Sino-Japanesse war

    The First Sino-Japanesse war
    Conflict between China and Japan over the territory of Korea
  • GMD foundation

    GMD foundation
    The Nationalist Pary of China was created by Sun yixian.
    With three important principles;
    Nationalism, Democracy and People´s livelihood
  • The Fall of the Qing Dynasty

    The Fall of the Qing Dynasty
    With the Double tenth revolution led to the fall of the dynasty and the stablishment of a new republir
  • Sun Yat-sen President

    Sun Yat-sen President
    In November 1911 Sun yixian was electected as the firt president of the Republic of China
  • Yuan Shikai became president

    Yuan Shikai became president
    The military Yuan Shikai comes to the presidency by ruling with a dicatatorship not acomplishing with the three main principles of his party ( GMD)
  • Warlord Era

    Warlord Era
    Most of the provinces of China became independent and with the rule of Yuan shikai the government collapsed causing the emerging of the Warlords.
    Controling the provinces the fight for territory began
  • May fourth movement

    May fourth movement
    A march made by student and intellectuals beacuse of the treaty of versailles settlements, this movement was dedicated to the change of China, to make it a proud independent nation again
  • First United Front

    First United Front
    With the emerge of the new political movement (the communist) and when the GMD decided to unify forces in order to get rid of their common enemy the Warlords they fought against them
  • The White Terror

    The White Terror
    When the two factions ended with their common enemy they split, beging with a rivalry and desire of controling the country.
    The GMD and its new leader Jiang Yieshi decided to strike first by attacking everyone that was communist or part of the CCP, causing a massacre in shangai