Causes of the Chinese Civil War

  • Period: to

    Qing Dynasty

  • Double Tenth Revolution

    Double Tenth Revolution
    The Manchu dynasty was overthrown and the creation of the Chinese Republic. The Gov´t lose control over military.
  • Creation of the Republican constitution.

    Creation of the Republican constitution.
    Creation of regional assemblies, but Yuan abolish them in an attempt to centralize power.
  • Sun Yixian becomes provisional pesident of the Republic.

    Sun Yixian becomes provisional pesident of the Republic.
    Yuan Shikai double-crossed the imperial government and argued with Yixian to be president of the new Republic.
    Regionalism continued=key ostacle to unify China.
    The Duomindang (GMD) formed and won majority in the parlament.
  • Period: to

    World War 1

  • Yuan proclaim himself emperor.

    Yuan proclaim himself emperor.
    The GMD lose the support of the military=War Lord Era.
    China broke into small states controled by a warlord.
    The peasants suffered the continuous wars = increase the Nationalism.
  • May Fourth Movement.

    May Fourth Movement.
    Studients in Beijing made a movement against warlords in oder to change and the rebirth of China as a proud and independent nation.
    The GMD grow and was stronger thanks to the Soviets.
  • Chinese Communism Party (CCP) was formed.

    Chinese Communism Party (CCP) was formed.
    Conformed of intellectuals and it had no real military strenght, due to this the CCP agreed to work with the GMD.
  • First United Front.

    First United Front.
    With the goal of unify China the GMD nad CCP decided to work and form the first united front (this succed).
  • The Northern Expedition.

    The Northern Expedition.
    The CCP and GMD made an expedition to crush the warlords of central and northern China; this operation succed.
  • The White Terror.

    The White Terror.
    Jian expelled all the communist from the GMD and atack them in Shangai and later in other cities = purification movement.
  • The GMD turns against the communists.

    The GMD turns against the communists.
    The communist where persecuted so the CCP flee into the mountain of Jiangsi.
    The civil war had begun.