Causes of the American Revolution

  • Proclamation of 1763

    Proclamation of 1763
    The Proclamation is a British-owned marker that stops the colonist from crossing the Appalachian mountains. The colonist who lived on the other side of that line had to return to the other side. The colonist were angry because they had just fought and died for the Ohio river valley.
  • The Sugar Act

    The Sugar Act
    The sugar act was made so the British could pay back their debt from the French and Indian war. The sugar act upped the prices of sugar, textiles, coffee, wine, etc. The sugar act affected the colonist by them not being about to get sugar to make rum and export it to other countries.
  • The Stamp act

    The Stamp act
    The stamp act was the official taxation on the American colonist. Under the stamp act everything printed was taxed. This upset the colonist because now they couldn't write and communicate with each other.
  • The Boston Massacre

    The Boston Massacre
    The Boston Massacre happened when a mob threw a rock at a British soldier. The British soldiers then fired the muskets point-blank into the crowd. Killing 5 injuring 6.
  • The Boston Tea Party

    The Boston Tea Party
    The Boston tea party was a protest about the British taxing the colonist for no reason but to pay back debt. The British then raised the price of British tea to tax and pay for the French and Indian war. The colonist didn't know why the parliament was taxing them because they were not shown on the Parliament.
  • The Boston Port Act

    The Boston Port Act
    The Boston port Act was a response to the Boston tea party. The Boston Port act was to punish and tax the people of Boston because they threw tea in the harbor. Any people who were loyal to the British started to question their loyalty.
  • The Quartering Act

    The Quartering Act
    The Quartering Act made it so British soldier troops could be housed in American private facilities and housing. This upset the colonist because they didn't trust the British soldiers. the colonist had to spend more money to take care of and feed the soldiers and their horses.
  • The Massachusetts Government Act

    The Massachusetts Government Act
    The Massachusetts Government Act took away the colonist of Massachusett's democratic rights. This Act was also punishment for anyone who participated in the Boston Tea party. This act also made it so they could only have one town meeting a year.
  • The Administration of Justice Act

    The Administration of Justice Act
    The Administration of Justice Act was a fair trial for any British official who was charged with any charges while they were upholding a rebellion against the law. It provided fairness to those who were looking into the law The law took away the self-governed rights of Massachusetts
  • Quebec act

    Quebec act
    The Quebec act made sure the French catholic had good-paying jobs in the British government. This law also was protecting the Roman Catholic faith. This angered the colonist because it gave the British more religious power.