Causes of the American revolution

  • Proclamation of 1763

    Appalachian Mountains were used as borders for them and other other people. It was to apes Native Americans, to not have a war with them. The proc of 1763 prohibited english settlement west of APP mountains. This was done to prove future wars w/Natives. The English did not want to spend anymore money fighting war w/Native Americans. The colonists were outraged by the Proc, They believed that the land was theirs due to the war they just fought.
  • The Sugar Act

    People would not spend that much money on sugar but people would need it for a lot of things. For kids to eat stuff for other things to taste better. The sugar was a big problem with the wine and the molasses, because The Sugar Act made the tax cost of molasses and other things dropped. This Act and some other Acts made the Stamp Act.
  • The Currency Act

    The Currency Act is about people printing paper people were not allowed to print paper of any type in this Act. They did this because some did not want other people to make their own look of money like pounds, uros, or just dollars. This made the Americans mad because they could not make more money in their type because they were not allowed to print at all.
  • The Stamp Act

    The Stamp Act made all of the things that have ink on it become taxes. Some things they taxed were newspapers, pamphlets, bills, legal docs, licenses, almanaes, dice, playing cards and more. They did this because They did this so they can get British goods from them so they have to pay more for everyday things, like a newspaper. They taxed all of the ink in the American colonies but they did not tax England's ink.
  • The Townshend Acts

    It is where there are taxes on more everyday things like tea, paper, paint, lead and some other things. The people that were running the taxes are the Americans. The tax did not work though because the people would not buy the things. Some people would try to sneak stuff in without pay the tax fee, if they get caught then they have to go to courts if they don't get caught then they don't have to pay the fee but they have to be careful with it.
  • The Vice Admiralty Court Act

    The Vice Admiralty Court Act is about trading things like food and sometimes people. Some people did some crimes at sea so it is easier to get away with it but most of the time they get caught. Its just about common issues that they had to deal with and some other things.
  • The Boston Massacre

    People were throwing stuff at the soldiers to get them out but they shot, 5 people died and hurt 8 other people 2 died and 3 instantly died so 6 were hut and 5 have died. The soldiers came for tax reasons but the people were throwing rocks, snow and more things they could throw at them. People are blaming the British army because they should not have shot at them, people would not have died and this Massacre would not exist.
  • The Boston Tea Party

    They did it because it was unfair that they were taxing them during the French and Indian war. They were being taxed because of the war but they don't see how it is fair. So the Americans did not find it fair they were being taxed for more weapons so they can get more money. The Boston Tea Party was because of the french and Indian war but the Americans don't want to have any part of it so they have a "tea party." The tea was way to expensive that is why they were very mad.
  • The Intolerable Acts

    The Intolerable Acts is people that need to go to land but it is not safe for them to go. They are called "The majesty subjects" because they were meant to serve a king. It is important because it tells a war that happened and so we don't do it again, that was bad. In North America the place went up in flames because of the war, and they were unstoppable flames.
  • Declaring Independence

    The Declaring Independence is about when the Separation with the 13 North American people from the Great Britain people. People were mad about the taxes so they left. They left because all of the things started to get more and more expensive because of the taxes on the things that they would buy, like tea, lead, glass, paint, paper and some other things.