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French and Indian War
This war occurred between the French and the American Colonists, also known as the 7 years war. They were battling for control over the Ohio Valley now known as Pittsburgh. The Indians were allies with the Americans in this situation. The only reason they joined this battle was due to the French attempting to take over even more of the Indians' land. -
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Causes of the American Revolutionary War
The Sugar Act
The Sugar Act was the first act Britain placed on the colonists. It was created in order to gain revenue and have more control over the trade occurring in America. The colonial leaders weren't happy with this act because they felt their privileges were being violated. -
Quartering Act
Many British troops were stationed in America in order to maintain peace and order within the colonies due to how far away America was from their ruler. The American colonists were required to meet any needs of the British soldiers. The colonists did not react well to this which led to much tension. -
Stamp Act
Britain placed a tax on the colonists of America which infuriated them. They were required to place a stamp on all public documents such as newspapers. This was created in order to pay off the debts that came about from the Seven Years War. Not only were these taxes placed on American Colonists, but on British citizens as well. This led to riots and rebellions. -
The Townshend Acts
After the Stamp Acts were repealed due to the issues caused from it, the Townshend Acts were created as a replacement. This act was no less effective as it led to riots and boycot. It was repealed in 1773, but the taxes on tea remained eventually leading to the Boston Tea Party. -
Daughters of Liberty
The Daughters of Liberty was inspired by the Sons of Liberty. Women began boycotting against the British and creating their own goods. In order to gain attention and influence, they would hold hand-made spinning competitions in village squares. -
Boston Massacre
Colonists at a party began harassing British soldiers. Once matters started turning violent, the soldiers began to fear for their lives. Six colonists were killed by the soldiers as they felt they were forced to fire on the crowd. The soldiers were taken to court in America where John Adams was their lawyer. They were found innocent until going to court in Britain. They were found guilty here and severly punished. -
Boston Tea Party
Angered by the tea taxes Britain placed on the colonies, the Sons of Liberty boarded British ships and dumped crates of tea into the Boston Harbor. They believed it violated their rights to "no taxation without representation." They prevented the tea from being unloaded in three other colonies and preventing it from being shipped back to England. -
Intolerable Acts
The British passed several punitave acts on the colonists of America which raised taxes. It was intended for colonists to start obeying their British ruler whom they were going against. -
The First Continental Congress Meets
A convention of representatives from twelve different colonies that met at Carpenters' Hall in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. It was a response to the Intolerable Acts Britain had placed on the colonies. They met to discuss the possibilities of rebelling against the British through boycotts and uprisings.