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Causes of the American Revaluation

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    The French and Indian war

    The french and Indian war was a part of a much bigger conflict. Called the 7 years war. France and Britain had the most conflict within North America. Both countries wanted to expand into the Ohio river valley because the profitable crops and the fertile land. Despite Early loses the British won the war. The treaty of Paris ends the war and gives a majority of Frances land to the British. This worsens the relationship between British and the colonist because of the proclamation line of 1763.
  • The sugar act a tax on sugar

    The sugar act a tax on sugar
    British parliament put a three cent tax on sugar and other goods for the colonies. They had done this because England's debt has grown because of the french and Indian war. The colonist wee upset because they were already paying enough taxes. The British did this also to buy guards to guard the proclamation line. The colonist argued "No taxation without representation.
  • Sons of Liberty

    Sons of Liberty
    A well organized political organization that was established to undermine British rule. The males that joined this group were hot headed and used violence.
  • The Stamp Act

    The Stamp Act
    The stamp act was were you put a stamp on a important document. The stamp meant that you had paid the tax on that item. The items included: court papers,playing cards, etc..
  • Townshed Acts

    Townshed Acts
    was not only to raise money for England because of the french and indian war but to also show that England had power over the colonies. The townshend act was were England placed takes on the items imported to the colonies. Some of the items were paper, glass, paint, and tea.
  • Boston Massacre

    Boston Massacre
    was not only to raise money for England because of the french and indian war but to also show that England had power over the colonies. The townshend act was were England placed takes on the items imported to the colonies. Some of the items were paper, glass, paint, and tea.
  • The tea act

    The tea act
    It was not designed to raise taxes on the colonies it was to help the East India company to sell tea. It was a monopoly because they had complete control to bring the prices way up or way down. The colonist did not like it 1 they refused the shipment and sent them back to england.2 they left the tea to rot. 3 they let them dock but prevented them from unloading.
  • Boston Tea party

    Boston Tea party
    They wore ragged clothes and disfigure themselves to resemble indians. They boarded the ships and ordered the captain and crew to open the hatchways. They were hauled onto deck and broke with ann axe then thrown overbored.
  • Coercive (Intolerable) Acts

    Coercive (Intolerable) Acts
    Boston harbor was closed to all shipping until the tea in the Boston tea party was paid for. The trial in Britain for British soldier made them free to abuse the colonist because they would have been sent to England. The quartering act made it so the colinist had to feed and house the British troops. The last act was were they lost the right to govern themselves.
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    The First Continental Congress

    This meeting took place in Philadelphia, pennsylvania. George washington,John Adams,patrick henry,John jay, Samuel adams,and many others.This was to urge the colonist to Boycott items if the intolerable act was not cancelled.
  • battle of Lexington and concord

    battle of Lexington and concord
    900 redcoat troops were heading to lexington and concord to look for weapons. Paul revere alerted the local militia that the british were coming. The first shoot was called “a shot heard around the world. In the end 8 patriots died and 10 got wounded. In the second battle the americans won.