Compromise of 1850
California was admitted to the Union as the 16th free state, the south was guaranteed that no federal restrictions on slavery would be placed on Utah or New Mexico, Texas lost its boundary claims in New Mexicobut the Congress compensated Texas with $10 million. Slavery was maintained in the nation's capital, but the slave trade was prohibited. Also. a Fugitive Slave Law was passed. This is important because the North was bound by law to essentially assist with slavery. -
Fugitive Slave Law
Part of the Compromise of 1850 between Southern slave-holding interests and Northern Free-Soilers. This heightened Northern fears of a "slave power conspiracy". It required that all escaped slaves were, upon capture, to be returned to their masters and that officials and citizens of free states had to cooperate in this law. This is important because it made it made the abolitionists part of slavery. -
Publication of Uncle Tom's Cabin
The novel sold 300,000 copies within three months. It was about anti-slavery and the newly tightened fugitive slave laws. It was important because it changed American's perspective on slavery. -
Kansas-Nebraska Act of 1854
The Kansas-Nebraska Act allowed each territory to decide the issue of slavery on the basis of popular sovereignty. Kansas with slavery would violate the Missouri Compromise. This was important because it was an event that helped lead to the Civil War. -
Brooks attacks Aumner in Senate
Southern Congressman Preston Brooks savagely beat Northern Senator Charles Sumner. Sumner was an abolitionsit and during the controversey over the Kansas-Nebraska Act, he blasted three of his collegues. One of them was kin to Brooks, who took it upon himself to defend his family. This is important because in the South Brooks became a hero and in the North Brooks was then considered evil. This shows the divide that slavery created between people and states. -
Birth of the Republican Party
The Party's first nominating convention, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, on June 17, 1856, announcing the birth of the Republican Party as a unified political force. By 1855, the Republican Party controlled a majority in the House of Representatives. This was important because it was the start of the Rebublican party which is one of the main politciasl parties today. -
Dred Scott v. Sanford
The decision that stated African Americans, enslaved or free could not be American citizens and therefore had no standing to sue in federal court. Also, the federal government had no power to regulate slavery in the federal territories acquired after the creation of the United States. This is important because the act of Congress was considered unconstitutional. -
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John Brown's raid on Harpers Ferry
John Brown, a staunch abolitionist, and a group of his supporters left their farmhouse hide-out en route to Harpers Ferry. Brown and his men captured prominent citizens and seized the federal armory and arsenal. This is important because John Brown hoped that this would assist the fight for freedom. -
Election of 1860
Northern democrats felt that Stephen Douglas had the best chance to defeat the "Black Republicans." Although an ardent supporter of slavery, southern Democrats considered Douglas a traitor because of his support of popular sovereignty. This was important because this election caused South Carolina ot secede from the union. -
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Shots fired at Fort Sumter, SC
General P.G.T. Beauregard,commander of the Confederate forces around Charleston Harbor, opened fire on the Union garrison holding Fort Sumter. This was on April 12, 1861. At 2:30pm on April 13 Major Robert Anderson, surrendered the fort and was evacuated the next day. This is important because it was the start of the Civil War.