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Causes of American Revolution

  • Join or Die cartoon

    Join or Die cartoon
    Published in the Pennsylvania Gazette by Benjamin Franklin, this snake cartoon was made up of 8 colonies(some being colonial regions). The cartoon promoted colonial unity with Great Britain against the French/Indians.
  • French and Indian War Starts

    French and Indian War Starts
    France and Great Britain had always been enemies. When France expanded into the Ohio River Valley where the British had claimed, a prolonged war broke out. The French teamed up with the Indians against the colonists and the British.
  • Period: to

    Salutary Neglect

    England had no policy, you can send your possessions overseas and not be taxed. Throughout this event it also occurred, where mercantilism was being enforced throughout England and the colonies. Later in the event, The British started making new policies for trade and profit for trade to increase more money and be richer.This event resulted in, British tries to reverse the policies and tries to pay off the war debts and other debts and taxes they couldn't pay and started making new laws.
  • French and Indian War Ends

    French and Indian War Ends
    After many years of battles, the British defeat France claiming all of North America east of the Mississippi River, leaving France with only 4 caribbean islands.
  • Treaty of Paris

    Treaty of Paris
    Signed in Paris, the treaty gave Canada France’s land east of the Mississippi River to Great Britain and France’s lands west of the Mississippi River (including Louisiana Territory) to Spain. France kept four Caribbean islands. Also, Spain gave Florida to Great Britain
  • Proclamation of 1763

    Proclamation of 1763
    After the Seven Years War, this Proclamation forbid the colonists to settle west into the Appalachian Mountains. Colonists couldn't trade west and or buy. Later on, King George III realized how much land he was giving to the Indians. The proclamation ended due to the British winning the French and Indian War.
  • Stamp Act

    Stamp Act
    After the Seven Year’s War, Britain had extreme debt. As a source of revenue, the King of England placed a tax on all of the colonist’s paper goods/services. This infuriated the colonies.
  • Boston Tea Party

    Boston Tea Party
    A political protest against taxation by the Sons of Liberty, 342 chests of tea were thrown overboard in the Boston Harbor. Britain was furious and punished the colonists by shutting down the Harbor and placing even more taxes pushing the two sides further apart.
  • Intolerable Acts

    Intolerable Acts
    As a punishment for colonial antics, British Parliament closed down Boston Harbor and introduced 4 new acts (Boston Port Act, Quebec Act, Administration of Justice Act, and Massachusetts Government Act). The Boston Port was closed for trade, certain political freedoms were removed, Britain’s jurisdiction was declared superior to American dominions, and the royally appointed Massachusetts governor had free reign.
  • Second Continental Congress

    Second Continental Congress
    Conference between the Thirteen Colonies, there was an addition to the conference that included Benjamin Franklin and Thomas Jefferson. Also, Joseph Galloway didn't attend and represent the Pennsylvania Colony. Georgia was not a delegate till fall. The congress that the colonies and mother country can be parted back together.
  • Common Sense

    Common Sense
    A book by Thomas Paine it was a book about comparing the British rule over the colonies, has an example he used farm animals. He was questioning how things worked and why it happened.
  • Declaration of Independence

    Declaration of Independence
    The Declaration of Independence was a declaration to Britain declaring our independence and making our own country.