War of 1812

Causes Leading Up to the War of 1812

By tarahan
  • Convention of 1800

    Convention of 1800
    Because the XYZ Affair resulted in an undeclared war between America and France, it caused the Quasi-War. France and America restored peace by having this convention also known as the Treaty of Mortefontaine.This treaty allowed France and America to settle their differences towards each other and come to peace. There no longer is an alliance between the two countries, however they still agreed to trade with each other. France would return captured ships and America would compensate damages made.
  • Impressment

    From 1803 to 1810, the British have taken nearly 45 American soldiers from US ships. They captured American soldiers and forced them into the British Navy. This was perhaps the biggest single cause of the War of 1812.
  • Louisiana Purchase

    Louisiana Purchase
    The former governor of the Mississippi Territory, William Claiborne met with France in New Orleans where they signed the document which transferred the Louisiana Territory from the hands of France to the Americans for 15 million dollars. This paved way for western expansion and pushed for the Manifest Destiny. This also made Jefferson more popular because it doubled the US in size but caused conflict between the Natives.
  • Lewis and Clark Expedition

    Lewis and Clark Expedition
    Lewis and Clark begin a journey which allows them to make encounters with the Native Americans. However, the relationships established are not good which will allow the British to intercept and make the Natives resentful towards the Americans. This will eventually increase tension between America and Natives. This expedition also allows America to expand settlements which the British are unhappy about because they want to win back the land.
  • Jefferson's Re-Election

    Jefferson's Re-Election
    With Jefferson's re-election, his decisions ultimately affect America's relationship with Britain and France. He will make decisions in the future that contribute to causes of the war.
  • Conflict Between France and Britain

    Conflict Between France and Britain
    After Jefferson's re-election, France and Britain went to war which caused France to refuse to allow British goods to come into Europe by 1806.
  • British Blockade

    British Blockade
    Because France refused to allow British goods to come into Europe, Britain decided to blockade Europe and this meant ships were prevented from entering or leaving its ports.
  • Chesapeake Incident

    Chesapeake Incident
    The British wanted to check American ships for British desenters but the US captain had refused so the British shot open fire which killed 3 Americans while 18 were wounded.
  • Embargo Act

    Embargo Act
    Jefferson passed the Embargo Act of 1807 which would hurt Britain and other European countries from exporting products. However this act hurt American businesses.
  • Madison Becomes President (Election)

    Madison Becomes President (Election)
    James Madison is selected as the 4th President and before taking office, the embargo act was removed. His decisions will also contribute to entering war with Britain and the relationship between the two countries.