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Caudle Trojan War

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    Start of Journey:Troy

    Start of Journey:Troy
    After the Trojans stole Helen, the Greeks declared a war. Odysseus traveled to Troy as a general. Odysseus’ quick thinking is the main cause of the Greek’s win. They started a journey to Ithaca from Troy. The gain from this stage is that the Greeks won the war.
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    Island of Cicones

    Island of Cicones
    Odysseus and his men landed on the island of Cicones after leaving Troy. Odysseus’s crew had their head filled with confidence from the victory of the war and took all of the luxuries. As they were taking things, cicone’s army attacked them.The lost of this event is that many of Odysseus’ men were killed
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    Island of the Lotus Eaters

    Island of the Lotus Eaters
    Odysseus sent two of his men to explore the island of lotus eaters.When they didn’t come back, Odysseus had to go for them. When he found them, they were addicted to eating the Lotus plant, which caused trouble.Odysseus had no other choice but to tie up the two men and put them on the ship.
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    Island of the Cyclops

    Island of the Cyclops
    Odysseus and his men ventured into a cave filled with cheese and wine. When the Cyclops came back to his cave to find Odysseus and his men eating his food, he ate two of Odysseus' men. Odysseus blinds the Cyclops while he is asleep, and he and his men escaped while hiding underneath the Cyclops sheep.The loss is the two men, but at least Odysseus’ quick thinking made them get away.
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    Aeolous Bag of winds

    Aeolous Bag of winds
    Aeolus bottles up all the bad wind and gives Odysseus a bag of it in order to make his journey home safe. When Ithaca was in sight, Odysseus' men become greedy and open up the bag. The winds blew them back to Aeolia, Aeolus sends them on their way. The loss of this is that the men were greedy and impatient so they lost what progress they made.
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    Island of the Laestragonians

    At this island it was tragic. Odysseus and his crew were attacked by cannibals. All of the ships were destroyed, except one. This loss here is that many of the men and transportation was gone.
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    Odysseus sends his men to go check around, when they don't come back Odysseus goes to find them.Odysseus and Hermes save the men. Circe begs for them to stay. Odysseus agrees because Circe promised information about how to return home.
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    The underworld

    Tiresias tells Odysseus to take the route of Scylla. He is told this because this way, only six men would be missed instead of all of them.
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    The sirens

    Circe gave Odysseus bee's wax to block the sirens but also told him him to listen to it.Odysseus gave the bee's wax to his men and told them to tie him up to the mast. Odysseus then commands them to remove the wax from their ears. This protection was important because the Sirens are extremely attracting.
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    Scylla and Charybdis

    Odysseus and his men see a dangerous whirlpool along and a cave , but Odysseus sails towards the cave. Scylla eats six of Odysseus's men But the rest of the men are safe and they continue their journey. This loss of this are those six men.
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    Helios cattle

    Helios cattle
    Odysseus and his men sailed to the sun gods cattle. Odysseus warned his men to not eat anything, but they were starving and so tempted that they ignored Odysseus' warning and ate the cattle. Zeus punished Odysseus and his men by destroying his ship and killing all of his men, but Odysseus was left alive because Zeus knew that it wasn't Odysseus' fault. Analyzing this event, loss of this is major. All of his men died.
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    Odysseus eventually ended up on the island of Ogygia. Calypso detained Odysseus for seven years, and she offered him immortality if he stayed with her. He was really tempted but Zeus fixed things. Zeus freed Odysseus from Calypso's clutches and he set sail for home.
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    Odysseus washed up onto the shore of Phaeacia after Poseidon destroyed his ship out of anger. Odysseus told the stories of his journeys during a large feast that was held. Alcinous felt empathetic then gave Odysseus ships and a safe passage home. The gain of this the the safe way home.
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    When Odysseus finally made it back to Ithaca, Athena disguised him as a beggar so he could remain hidden while he analyzed the loyalty of his friends and family. With the help of his son Telemachus, Odysseus goes to reclaim his house and his title as king. With the help of Athena and Zeus, they slaughtered the suitors.The gain of this is that he finally made it back home.