Aug 1, 1000
aborigonal people
60000 years before the european settlement the aborigonal people were the first to have a religion in australia -
European settlement
the european settlement when the first fleet arrive in australia -
catholic preist fr James Diixon
A convict preist, Fr James Dixon , was given permission to celebrate catholic mass -
Fr Jeremiah
Fr Jeremiah O flynn came to minister to the Catholics in australia . He was arrested and deported in 1818 -
first official appointed preist
The first official appointed preist, Fr John Therry Fr Phillip Connolly arrived in auastralia. -
The first Catholic Bishop
The first Catholic Bishop, John Bede POLDING, arrived in Australia. He organised the Catholic church in Australia into regions or dioceas -
The first arch Bishop
John Bede Polding became the fiirst archbishop of Sydney. -
Robert wilson
Robert willson arrives as the first bishop of Tasmainia -
Roman catholic orphan school
Opened at Parramatta with the transfer ofb 113 orphans from waverly. -
Bishop Brady
Bishop Brady consecrated as first bishop of peth -
Religous groups
Religous groups and orders started to further develop e.g. The sisters of charity /Mary Mkillop